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Everything posted by Kasaga

  1. Finally picked up Dune, been reading it a lot lately and god damn is it good.
  2. I think my favorite part is this still took significantly more effort than the majority of NFTs being peddled
  3. Share pictures of your small loved ones! Cats, lizards, rats, all kinds! (I did a search and didn't see one of these! If I'm wrong and missed it please let me know!)
  4. Rereading Kanojo, Okarishimasu raw, starting with the high school outfit date. <.< I don't know why I just got really into the series, more than I usually do, and I impulsively bought 1-15 vols raw and have been using it to learn and practice, and it's great to have my S/O to clear up things I miss If you told me I'd be actually invested in some ecchi romcom manga I'd have scoffed, but holy shit I love it.
  5. Kasaga, same name as on before. :v
  6. Think abt me :fap:
  7. bi team go!
  8. Yeah, I knew her full name, I just don't know remember her RL name. I'm gonna hit him up.
  9. depends on how you play your cards i guess
  10. i've forgotten a lot of important people at the time. seeing "ESR" makes me thing that she was the person that was a really close friend who actually really helped me out on some stuff and I never heard back from. If esr was who I'm thinking of, I hope I can tell her thanks.
  11. Mine is more of a mess. (i have no idea how i'm going to clean this all up before you guys come this weekend)
  12. dont look at the butt
  13. idk at some point i just wrote names of everyone in my IB social circle or something. details are hazy, I just uncovered it the other day.
  14. HEEEECK gimmie a min
  15. A relic of the Dark Ages.
  16. Follow my 2-step program and you too can land all the cute people on earth Step 1 - PANTS OFF Step 2 - BOOOOOOONNNNEEEEE
  17. my clothes are already off in preparation of him
  18. that's not weird, that's basically mandatory
  19. Possibly? I was a sparse poster on the asmb (mostly IB) since like 05. Actually, I have a Relic from those ages that directly mentions you so
  20. Like, responsibilities - social and financial - aside? Hell the fuck yeah. Imagine how great the games will have gotten by then. I mean of course that's assuming humanity doesn't engage in mass nuclear war either wiping themselves out or blowing themselves back to the stone age.
  21. holy rectal hemorrhaging batman
  22. The hell'd you do to it? Did they fix it or just say "Yep that's a fucked up shoulder that'll be 400 bucks"?
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