our small town received part of block grant. probably the last gov. grant anyone will see. *i'll know what it is exactly about on tuesday*
i have been looking at grants on a much smaller scale, and luckily those are still in use and allowed to forcast, which means $$ is safe. for now.
and in regards to pooh's video/lincoln project. i have been saying that: it's a fear tactic. it's a fascist tactic. so...I WILL round up those that are willing to put this bullshit aside. it's been very interesting to see those that have donated the most, KNOWING my or have some...assumptions about my political views?
or maybe not...i see the trump sticker, but i see a humanitarian effort. what i've come to notice, in MY community, is that these folks, in a hermit county, are WOEFULLY misinformed, and uninformed about the world outside.