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Everything posted by _lost_username_

  1. I doubt it, at least not from the MAGA crowd. Trump's final days pretty much killed it. He pretty much dropped them like a sack full of rocks to protect himself from future prosecution and lawsuits resulting from the riot he started. Look at what happened on the day they were supposed to turn out at all the state capitals (ARMED) ... zero. They're done and demoralized. I doubt Trump will be able to reignite the flames and the rest of the Republicans are trying to ride on his fumes ... but they won't be getting near as far. The whole culture war thing only works so long before it becomes evident that there has been nothing of substance done. It may not mean that Democrats are going to sweep GOP strongholds, but the most extreme elements are going to find themselves eventually fall to primary challengers when people get tired of talk and want results. The GOP is not going to have a good 2022 despite mid-terms usually being rough. Unless Biden majorly fucks up something on the scale of Trump, his policies are probably going to be pretty popular. What are the GOP going to do in reaction to that? Probably scream socialism and conspiracy theories again, marching out the bloated spectacle that Trump will be. If Trump family members run like they threaten to, it's going to be a major disaster in the general election for them. Right now it looks like McConnell is fine with sacrificing party seats in the senate in order to keep Trump voters happy. He's unenthusiastically taken a double barrel shotgun and shot himself in the foot in order to protect an ex-president who is going to become more and more unpopular as time goes on and more of his personal dealings come to light. On the other hand, Trump will continue to be a great tool for Democrats as they mount challenges to crackpots like Ron Johnson and whoever wins the Senate primaries in Pennsylvania and North Carolina. From the sound of it, Arizona already looks lost since the most likely candidate is even worse than McSally (chemtrail Kelli Ward). Georgia may be close, but Warnock will have the advantage of being an incumbent and better reflecting the changing attitude and demographics of that state. Anyway, the people you're worried out have been abandoned by their savior. They're trying to cope with this new reality where they realize that Trump was never going to stick his neck out for them. They'll either drift back to the dark places of the internet or (like most people who embrace internet extremism) quietly change their politics to fall within what's considered mainstream, particularly if they go out and get lives. Part of the reason we may have had the riot is due to all the people with nothing to do but hang out at home and warp their reality because of COVID.
  2. The level of debasement that the GOP has sunk to in just four short years is pretty amazing. This is on top of hundreds of thousands of people choosing Marjorie Taylor Greene to be their House Rep. Before her, I thought Gohmert or Steven King was the lowest they could go. https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/26/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-democrats-violence/index.html
  3. It may be an age thing for you or it may be that you don't really have a perspective how huge country music is. In the late 80s and early 90s her songs were everywhere and she was a household name because she just had "something" that caught people's attention. The woman is still able to headline arena tours despite her best-selling album days being about 30 years behind her. But the thing that helped her get the TV part more than anything is that she actually had acting talent. She was actually pretty great in Tremors as gun-toting survivalist married to the dad from Family Ties.
  4. May 15, 1994 Rollins Band performs "Liar."
  5. From this story: Every press organization has been emphasizing that from what I've read and heard today. As far as any of this goes it's probably the first time anyone has even heard of his brother, let alone mentioned him. As far as anyone has said, he's a guy who does his job and there's no evidence that he's involved with extremist groups. Here's his description of what happened: Anyway, there's going to be an investigation. We'll find out one way or the other, but it's not helpful to start building a conspiracy around Flynn's brother. There's been nothing to dispute his explanation and no evidence of pre-plotting within the military to let the rioters take over the Capitol.
  6. 120 Minutes was a pretty influential show at one point (Smells Like Teen Spirit had its world premiere there). Lots of videos and lots of live performances. I'm going to post some of the live performances here, starting with The Cure playing Just Like Heaven from sometime in the early 1990s (didn't have a year for this performance).
  7. I joined a Club on the Club list ... looked the same as before I joined the club. Is there supposed to be postings or something like that? What's the point of them? I don't get it.
  8. You just need humidity.
  9. Back when I was a kid porn was usually second generation recording on VHS tapes that my friends would find in their parents' rooms. It might sound weird now, but when someone found one of those tapes, particularly if it was new, they'd call everybody come over and watch it. Most of these tapes were from the 70s-mid 80s so body hair still existed on human beings and porn staches were abundant. I remember one time my best friend called me over to his house to watch some new tape he found in his dad's stuff called "Bi The Way." He thought it was going to be girls that swung back and forth ... well, there was this one part where this dude was getting it on with this girl and this other dude just casually walked in the room, dropped his pants and put his you-know-what in the other guy's pooper. We never saw his dad the same way again.
  10. I think we'll have a decent infrastructure for traveling, transporting and maybe even colonizing the inner planets and asteroid belt within 1,000 years or so. A system where travel between planets and asteroids can be done within minutes or hours instead of days. I'm saying 1,000 years because I don't see the political unity required for going beyond that being reached before that time. As far as the Outer planets and Kuiper Belt, I'd say we'd developed the infrastructure and energy generation required to colonize and exploit them within 10,000 years. This doesn't mean we haven't done anything interstellar, but we probably wouldn't be at a point where we can expend enough energy to work around the light barrier. After 10,000 years, I figure we'll start creating outposts within Interstellar Space within 10 light years or so, working our way out. After that, it's hard to say. I figure we'll be something like Cylons at that point with synthetic bodies we can just download into. The mass of humanity may just prefer to spend its time in something like the cloud, taking a nap, waking up just for holidays.
  11. Not so exciting. It's a family-owned restaurant next to a Dollar Tree.
  12. In the town I'm from, but don't live, they've been having weekly gatherings at a restaurant across from Walmart where they hop in their Trump-flag decorated Trumps and have a parade across the county. Not sure what the purpose is aside from saying "a lot of dumb rednecks live here!"
  13. There is a serious, but unlikely to be successful movement, to make it part of the US: https://www.guyanausa.org/ I say serious because it has been in existence as long as I can remember ever hearing of Guyana. Here's their explanation on why they should join the US: I think they exaggerate a bit, but there is a significant amount of emigration to the U.S. But there's other reasons that the joining appeals to a number of them. They're also the only English majority country in South America. Another thing is that Venezuela has been trying to lay claim to parts of their territory, which is pretty worrying for them considering Maduero's militaristic bent.
  14. I'm not a believer in there being a hyper-advanced society that's learned to bypass E=mc2 yet. That's due to the universe still being relatively young. It took several starts and stops for a lifeform like humans to evolve and that's after several mass extinctions. On top of that our solar system is still relatively close to the beginning of the universe and probably on par with the older life-sustaining solar systems. We are probably in a group of civilizations that would fit as the "old ones" you see mentioned in sci-fi instead of a young civilization.
  15. To move on from things:
  16. It's OK, I think with that last post I'm officially fucking lost.
  17. I still don't see where I supposedly said it was "no big deal."
  18. *Looks for where I said that* *Doesn't see it*
  19. So, why haven't we met aliens yet? Maybe it has less to do with scarcity of life in the galaxy as it does how huge the distance is between potential refuges for it. In this video you'll see a scale model of distance between our sun (represented by a pea) to the next sun (also a pea). Spoiler: the person making the model had to drive more than 100 miles and across state lines for this model:
  20. Beating means that he was struck repeatedly. There is no mention of that happening to Sicknick.
  21. Sicknick wasn't beaten to death. He sustained an injury at the scene that killed him later. Prior to his hospitalization he was up and active. For days you were claiming this was Sicknick even after it was repeatedly pointed out to you that wasn't the case: https://heavy.com/news/capitol-police-officer-beaten-attacked-video/
  22. They beat a cop to death. No cops were beat to death. Why do you keep insisting that their was?
  23. Quit typing "Civil War II" into Google search and you'll feel much better.
  24. Don't feel bad about a bad date, just consider it practice. Most people who are starting out need a lot of practice. Also, don't talk about Star Trek unless he/she brings it up (don't know your preference). Even then, try to move on as fast as possible. Familiarize yourself with reality TV. Women in their 30s and 40s seem to be really into that. Don't talk about politics because when you talk about it, it sounds like you're about to move into a bunker.
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