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1938 Packard

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Everything posted by 1938 Packard

  1. Duuuuuhh...
  2. You never had chocolate rum cake? Same principle.
  3. The package instructions say add water, stir and microwave. Nah, add Kahlua, stir and microwave. Alcohol evaporates, leaving a unique flavor.
  4. Game dealers where I work are not in my union. Up to $200 per month gets taken out of their paychecks to cover their part of the insurance premiums. I pay nothing for premiums and there's no mandate for health coaching such as what the dealers go through.
  5. So, how much is your co-pay?
  6. Staff retention? That's what the no co-pay health benefits are for.
  7. By now, you all know about the merit point system where I work. Back when I was in Catholic school, the merit point system was not worth pursuing. Gain St. Dominic Savio tickets by studying and memorizing Biblical verses and when you have enough tickets, you win a Bible. I don't need to own a Bible. They should have offered a color TV. I might have become a Biblical scholar, chasing that.
  8. Where did they get such a life like cat model?
  9. Or Portobello mushrooms.
  10. That's not a restaurant.
  11. What else would you expect from fungi?
  12. That's what I meant. Flash isn't always better. I might try the next one under natural light.
  13. Don't forget starches and veggies.
  14. Turns out the lighting can change the picture presentation. No flash: Same food, with flash:
  15. Indeed.
  16. And some are not done yet
  17. You'll never know until you try.
  18. I don't bake any myself. I buy Ginsberg rye. No DATEM.
  19. Chicken pot pie. Microwave. I just like pot pies once in a while.
  20. Ford Galaxy 500. My brother had one. He beat the shit out of it and never took it to a mechanic. But, it was still running when he sold it three years after buying it.
  21. Not even my pic.
  22. Well, it's either trash or a combined tweeter that won't gurgle when the piccolo plays. Gotta test this out. Xylophone, pan flute, chimes, etc.
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