It seems every time the building inspector shows up here, he's angry about the paint. Paint peels, fades and does other things in this high humidity area. Then, he would order the whole apartment painted on my landlady's bill. Frankly, I don't mind getting this done because a good, fresh coat of paint can really make this place look spiffy. But, there's usually a scheduling issue. I work nights and normally sleep most of the day. I can't afford to be kept awake all day, babysitting painters or shuffling furniture.
So, this year, I decided to head off the trouble. The building inspector isn't due until May of next year. I have a three week session off from work starting next month. It means I can sleep at night, arrange for the painters and get this job done in advance of the inspector. To accomplish this, I contacted the same contractor that the landlady hires to prep the vacant apartments. I'm paying the contractor $750 to do a three day job in here.
When the building inspector shows up next year, he's likely to see a place that can pass on the first try and I won't have to juggle schedules or lose any sleep. It all gets done on my time instead of the inspector's time.