Who has fish? I'm cycling my second tank. I have a 10 gallon with some tetras in it, and plan on my new 20gal being a community tank. I semi follow the walstad method, and keep it low tech. For awhile my 10gal was no tech, but that's so hard to maintain in a small tank I now have a filter, heater, and air pump.
So far in my 20 I have ramshorn and Malaysian trumpet snails (got them when I transferred plants fromy 10g) and I put some seed shrimp in there. Plan on introducing shrimp, and then corys, and then maybe one big guy.
Please don't depress me with current stories of a Betta or goldfish in a one gallon bowl with no tech, but when we were kids it's not your fault if you like won a goldfish at the fair and had no idea what to do or w/e