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Everything posted by smiradenius

  1. So, when somebody says, "never in the last ten years..." that's also bad grammar? Tell me the difference.
  2. Then, read the REST of that remark.
  3. Never IN a very long time. Way, way back when I was working at Spencer's, there was copay for almost everything.
  4. I never did have a med with a copay in a very long time.
  5. This wasn't on the web. It's here, in my place. Here's the Ai gold edition:
  6. Insurance covers it, so I didn't ask.
  7. I'm probably wasting money on Baclofen, too... but if it makes my back feel any better, fine.
  8. I never said he did.
  9. It still doesn't negate the fact that there was no trauma to the neck. Somebody on the state's side of this trial should have at least found a damaged hyoid. Also, Why did Harris decide to ignore the drug intoxication?
  10. Bully for him.
  11. Green eggs and ham
  12. Right now? Two cats, some folded laundry, a Bluetooth receiver on charger and a My Pillow.
  13. I asked how the pup gets along with the cats. Just fine, they have been seen sleeping on the pup. Nice to see that they don't fight, as older cats don't often like new company.
  14. I never asked what is under her skirt.
  15. Or a Glock. Or a clock. Or a sock and some stock. She wants to be an influencer but won't play the part and wash off all that makeup.
  16. What you have is a cat that would be your best pal for life. It's normal for some cats to show this behavior, especially when you take them in as small kittens.
  17. Except that Neely's neck showed no evidence of trauma during the medical examination.
  18. No, it's just the sort of thing a guy who really cares about his customers would do, unlike any corporate owned business.
  19. Different person, different place
  20. A bed is not a chiropractic table and using it as such could cause further injury.
  21. I didn't have to beg anything. He brought up the subject first and was offering to drive about twenty miles to see me at home.
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