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Everything posted by smiradenius

  1. It's not a repair, it's an adjustment or changing a battery. There's a difference. If I need anything more complicated done, such as replacing a mainspring, THEN I go to a jeweler. Again you demonstrate your inability to read beyond a second grade level.
  2. So, you're okay with a trucker having to pay five hundred dollars more to run a truck on a job that barely pays him anything to begin with. You're okay with the electric company doubling your bill for the same number of kwh because the fuel to generate the power has doubled in costs. Got it.
  3. https://www.everlance.com/blog/gasoline-prices-per-state-and-what-determines-the-price-we-pay-for-gas
  4. Well, would you rather pay two dollars per gallon or whatever you're paying now? The price has dropped before. It went back up. It can be brought down again and all anybody has to do is address the the issues that lead to price hikes. Hint: It’s not gouging.
  5. Like the two dollar per gallon gas, perhaps? https://www.everlance.com/blog/gasoline-prices-per-state-and-what-determines-the-price-we-pay-for-gas
  6. So, tell me why the gouging didn't happen until after Trump left... Yes, I want to see two dollar per gallon gas prices again.
  7. The Citizen watch is a strap The Michael Kors is a bracelet.
  8. None of the oil companies are gouging anything. They're only charging according to the costs of regulatory compliance balanced against the lost productivity brought by this administration's refusal to grant new drilling permits. Were they gouging when gasoline was around two dollars per gallon? What has happened since then?
  9. I'm not backpeddling anything. Scroll up and read everything instead of just cherrypicking. Here's where the link leads:
  10. How does this even relate to reading a room?
  11. I did not say that they are the same. AND... 8 grams are more than a quarter ounce. AND... When a pawn broker sells a bracelet watch, he will perform a size adjustment as part of the sale. BTW, here's the 8g ring: https://www.blissdiamond.com/products/mens-8-gram-solid-14k-gold-1-4ct-tw-diamond-ring-6mm-wedding-band
  12. It doesn't matter whether you're talking about a 2kg bar or an 8g ring, the broker still has to know exactly what he's buying or he would be out of business in less than three months. Meanwhile, a jeweler's job is well enough safe because he can still get all the more intricate work, such as replacing mainsprings or securing diamonds to the settings.
  13. Well, there's your answer. You've never set foot inside one, but somehow, you're the expert in what goes on there? Bottom line: The broker has to be certain that he's buying the real thing and that can't be done without testing. Incidentally, if anybody shows up with a "diamond", the broker has a test for that, as well. .
  14. Then, how does the broker know he's not getting cheated?
  15. The Hell it doesn't. It's standard procedure when anybody goes in to sell. Do you really think a pawn broker is just going to buy painted lead and take the seller's word that it's gold? Now, if you just want your item tested, some brokers would charge five bucks for the service.
  16. I don't buy any musical instruments because I don't know anything about them and wouldn't be able to pick the frauds from the real things.
  17. The bottom thirty percent have just sunk through the floor, thanks to outrageous fuel prices brought by this administration's failed energy policies. When it's costing a trucker five hundred dollars more to deliver the bacon and it's costing the supermarket proprietor another six hundred dollars every month to keep the bacon at a safe temperature, don't be surprised when the bacon costs more at the register.
  18. So, what do YOU call it when the broker scrapes a sample of the metal onto a stone like pad and then swabs the pad with a chemical that changes color according to the type of metal it is?
  19. All that proves to me is that more people are interested in filming than calliing 911 or trying to help.
  20. You're relying on a crowd of people who can't stop shaking the cameras? Fine... wait for the fixed camera footage to be published.
  21. You wanna play semantics with this. Listen, sending an email isn't going to get the crime investigated before those singers go back to England.
  22. It was in progress, guns drawn and pointed.
  23. He's also the right guy for an inspection. If I buy gold or silver from anybody, I keep the receipt and let the pawn broker run a chemical test to authenticate it. You don't seem to be nearly as street smart as you pretend to be, or you would already know these things.
  24. An armed robbery with guns drawn isn't an emergency? Since when? Would you take it an more seriously if the gunmen were at a school?
  25. The guy doesn't charge what a jeweler would charge, just for a link adjustment or changing a battery. If I need more serious work done, like changing a mainspring or reseal, that's what jewelers are for.
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