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Everything posted by Naraku4656

  1. fuck it. well if you were naked, then there was a song written about your fall
  2. about how soon is too soon to make a joke
  3. who has the most downvotes
  4. EXACTLY. see, we have some people with common sense here
  5. literally everything
  6. i think you have a problem
  7. and i'm not tech support anymore but people still ask me how to clear their cache. which by the way, for any of my old clients reading this, stop looking at Pornhub on your grandma's computer and she won't wonder why "anal gape" is in her search history.
  8. i didn't realize out of shape IT workers were your thing
  9. you and every other banker i've ever talked to
  10. i don't get it. fuck all off with that bullshit and let me go back to bed
  11. holy fuck dude. i hope you're ok
  12. i am at home but i had a meeting where i actually had to pay attention so i couldn't really make myself anything for another few hours
  13. not in the 2 minutes i had before i had to go back to work
  14. i wasn't referring to just prostitution. People who work in porn also count as sex workers
  15. well if the standards are set by industry then it's much easier to decline work when the pay isn't up to par. rather than throwing a dart at which companies do and which ones don't
  16. let's go outside and really make Heaven a place on Earth
  17. i'm sure there's another packard thread in DF that needs your attention if you're so willing
  18. hence why i said industry standard and not regulations. i guess we could pare it down to company standard if we want to be really anal. since it really depends upon the company, assuming this is all on the books and not under the table
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