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  1. i'm sure it is.Have to re-watch the original Dragonball someday again. Still prefer dbz over DB after all these years haha but I think it might be my huge nostalgia of love talking,that it's hard for me to prefer the original DB over dbz
  2. Absolutely required to watch the original Dragonball to really feel for all these character deaths
  3. Yeah not surprise if those character designs led to the creation of green lighting boruto to come to life
  4. Baby 5 is cool though. She's hot and got powers kinda similar to alchemy like basque grand probably
  5. He has so many anime and video game roles. it's pretty insane
  6. Yeah,the build up and melodrama to Goku achieving the very first super Saiyan transformation was done well. Goku was justified to being that angry. I think it's one of anime's most iconic moments
  7. True lol. It's such an unorthodox alien look along with unique abilities. It's one I actually like. The whole super saiyan transformation thing has always been cool to me.
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