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Everything posted by Hidden

  1. damn son ok
  2. for now seven seas. dont have much yet.
  3. Cohabitation Life
  4. I love you, so i kill you: Last 22[End]
  5. Liar Satsuki 4 Umiiro March 24 - sango just cant keep her hands off her. *sips*
  6. Maiko-san 40-62 Machikado Mazoku 7-8
  7. Maiko-san 33-39
  8. poor momoe is a goddamn lady killer.
  9. Maiko-san Chi no Makanai-san 27-? one of the best running SoL right now. cozy stuff. if you want cozy + are interested in stories that cover life as a geisha (the manga is about a caterer at a geisha house as well---who is the MC) then this is worth checking out. anime starts next month too.
  10. idk what it is but im just not in the mood for ball maybe its the covid schedule. i am keeping up with inside the nba tho. im enjoying the games in highlight form for now.
  11. this show is fucking tight also, ikuhara created this in a different universe.
  12. Shadows House
  13. Wonder Egg Priority, Non Non Biyori 3, Otherside Picnic, Dr. Ramune (Yatogame-chan 2, Beastars 2 for sequels)... am i the only one enjoying winter quite a bit? havent enjoyed this season in years.
  14. 1k crazy. 👏
  15. I Haven't Told the Teacher Yet
  16. Yuri Oppai Anthology
  17. Vlad Love 1 - i forgot winter season was a thing. school vampire anime but its so refreshing..i think its a combination of the two female leads, art style, good comedy, and hearing Romi Park's voice acting again.
  18. Black & White 6 - well. these ladies will be using only one of those bedrooms. Mitarai-ke, Enjou suru 14 Harmful Designated Classmate 10-11 - i call this chapter, Ode to Nina:
  19. Nettaigyou 31 - aw its sad to know that this could be the authors last work..and apparently i misunderstood about the story not coming out as she intended it to comment..this was how she wanted it, but she didnt want to have to rewrite things if it got an anime adaptation. still makes me curious about what she couldve done with other projects if she had planned to write more. but as long as shes happy..hope she gets to be happy back home if she ends up moving like she thinks she will. judging by how she wrote the countryside setting into the manga, she loves it <3.
  20. ^i was hoping the same thing with the grave scene haha. im just gonna assume its her fathers grave. i love seeing how versatile moroha is whenever shes fighting. that is all.
  21. this and this. very much so, yes.
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