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Everything posted by Misaka

  1. creepy unless your into necrophilia than good for you
  2. stalker much? can't wait to see those restraining orders to kick in
  3. cruelty at its finest
  4. name of game
  5. big brother?
  6. hentai?
  7. old desktop and tablet new desktop & tablet
  8. fun fact is I'm only DVRing DBZ final Chapters and Shippuden shippuden is only because I don't own that season yet
  9. well starpada should have the next rank revealed soon
  10. actually we can do more than that but do be kind to others and not a douche
  11. it wasn't a dutch oven was it?
  12. pepsi once a week "sunday" gallon of water everyday
  13. never cared for the games but love the movies including Damnation
  14. oh man 5 years of waiting and now the final movie is about to be released need a catch up? click the spoiler link
  15. prison on assault charges or attempted rape
  16. True Kinda wish dumpster fire wasn't locked This thread would florish there
  17. Why are you bringing your lower mouth into this discussion? No one needs that horrible image
  18. I'll be waiting to see your name in the paper Zeni punches female manager then attempts to stalk her only to be tazzed and thrown in jail with bubba
  19. Never had coffee So I'm good
  20. Well that explains a lot fuggpop[/member] read this first before commenting any further https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/25/us/trump-threatens-federal-intervention-in-chicago-citing-carnage.html?_r=0
  21. You worry too much Guessing you voted for Hillary
  22. Sounds fun But I prefer the triple cheese burger Can down 10 of those as well as 5 large fries
  23. Should I even ask for an explanation?
  24. That's easy for me Just ignore everyone don't acknowledge them
  25. I could careless People who hates him can go to Canada for 4 years
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