I hear you, I guess. I was there to the end.... death throes and all.
But yeah, Some of the best people I have known are from ASMB, and met a few..... lol, Getting drunk with Saddy was the best.
"You guys" or "yous guys"?
"Mine" or "mayan"?
"Whater" or "wooder" for water.
"Soda" or "pop"?
What else is there? What pissed you off by how people say shit?
I'm not saying what the proper way is but what dumb dick way you say it?
Asks for a drink... bartender looks at him and says, "Hey get the hell outta here we don't serve your kind here"
Mushroom looks at the bartender and says, "Why the fuck not?! IM A FUNGAI!"
Outta my fucking way MD.