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Everything posted by Blackrose321

  1. I think we generally would agree actually. In the case of the things that you agree are important, they had been laws - Trump reversed them. I just want to make sure you're aware that he does absolutely make decisions that benefit corporations over people. Some of them are actually quite dangerous, like his decision to loosen safety restrictions following a previous explosion.
  2. I was enjoying the conversation we were having back then, I was hoping she'd keep at it. =/
  3. Oh hey, I don't think you ever replied to my post outlining some of Trump's pro-corporation policies, did you get a chance to read it?
  4. Was this his last time on 60 Minutes: https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/20/politics/trump-interview-60-minutes/index.html
  5. My MiL has managed to call me by accident so many times and I have no idea how it happens with a smartphone. In one voicemail, my phone transcribed it as "Yeah, Thursday. Dead dead dead."
  6. They have this "live" thing that costs more. But it's not all live stuff, they put whatever they want under that label when it suits them. I'm guessing they decided to put it behind that extra paywall for Halloween but because everyone pays for multiple streaming services now, I watched it on Max instead. Plus, I often have issues with Hulu anyways. It struggles to rewind anything and every so often my audio glitches. It'll get ridiculously loud and echoey or it'll get so quiet you can't hear anything. I have to reload my video and try to rewind. =/
  7. Oh go fuck yourself, Hulu.
  8. I knew about Lichtman before I knew about Silver so I wouldn't say "nobody paid attention". "Nobody" paid attention to Fauci until COVID but the man was still a fucking boss for decades - just because people started bitching about him in 2020 doesn't mean he wasn't established well before that for people who are academically minded. Also, as I said, Silver has correctly guessed 2 out of 3 elections. Lichtman has correctly predicted 9 out of 10 so I'm confused about how Lichtman is riding the coattails of a man far younger than himself. His book on his own system was written in 1996, when Silver was just graduating from high school. For Silver to talk down to Lichtman about his own Keys is childish and arrogant and I shouldn't even have to say that. His attitude sucks but if you want attention on social media, being polite is not the way to go. ETA: Also clearly Silver knows about Lichtman. Just because you didn't know who he is doesn't mean other people didn't. Silver clearly finds him worthy of his continued attention. So then what I said was correct, he's using someone else with a more established "thing" to accomplish a personal goal. Predicting more than 2 out of 3 elections correctly would help with that. Which will take time. Not a Twitter tantrum.
  9. It's like rain on your wedding day, it's a free ride when you've already paid, it's the good advice that you just didn't take. And who would've thought? It figures.
  10. I can't take someone who uses religious buzzwords seriously. Licthman has been right 9 out of 10 times, Silver is just trying to ride his coattails. ETA: It looks like Silver accurately predicted 2012 and 2020. But in 2016, he only gave Trump a 28.6% chance to win. He's huffing his own farts.
  11. Why do I keep waking up before my alarm? I'm still tired and in most cases, I didn't get anywhere near 8 hours of sleep. This has been going on for almost a week now... I'm already ready for a nap.
  12. Are you studying for work or fun?
  13. I had to unfollow a FB friend recently as well. He was one of my college professors, and the man who married my husband and me. I used to look up to him but he's become such a disappointment of late. He's a Christian bigot and a fan of MAGAt disinformation, which really calls into question his grading practices...like could I have just made shit up, said I was just being creative or that I had a concept of a plan, and still got a passing grade?... And why was this white supremacist bigot teaching at a liberal university if his students offended and scared him so badly? Money talks, Christian "morality" walks, as usual. Anyways, I had to explain to him the many problems that disinformation in media causes and he argued up and down that it was totes fine. I guess realizing that your elders are losers is part of growing up...
  14. Yeah and I don't trust that a party with that kind of attitude will be any better than what we've already got. Power corrupts and the seeds of corruption have already been planted if their only concern right now is taking down the Dems while Trump is inciting violence. This has actually been an interesting conversation. I'm now incredibly suspicious of the Green Party's motivation. 😅 Even if some number of them intend to do good, it seems the main goal is to supplant the Dems - it's a power grab and they don't mind spilling blood to do it, which means corruption is totally possible and even likely.
  15. Ooohhh, I think I remember them mentioning that now. It's still sus to me though. If your goal is to push a progressive agenda, how does refusing to criticize a far right candidate help? What do we achieve by only nitpicking Harris? If they successfully beat Harris down, how does the Green Party benefit? Years ago, I was tasked with creating a series of library events that we'd bring to the community with help from 3 local partners. If funded, we'd have gotten quite a lot of money so it was a big job to flesh out. I went into the first meeting thinking we'd all be on the same wavelength, we all knew how to create and manage events. I left that meeting having learned something - planning, which to me is so basic it's like breathing, is apparently a skill some people never learn... We ended up not going for the grant because 2 of the 3 partners were obviously not up to the task and there was no way that only 2 of us could do it alone. I know we all have different skills in life but I still struggle to understand why some people can't follow things from A to B to C to D... If you beat Harris down, you get Trump. You still have Dems around, they're still a major party, but now everything will have shifted further right and probably to such an extent that it'll take decades to fix. I get that it sucks to not feel excited by a candidate and to vote out of fear but we gotta be adults here. We're talking about life and death. So imo it's kind of like the Green Party is saying some lives are expendable as long as they get the nom. And I'm not sure how progressive that is...
  16. ‘Despicable’: Ohio sheriff criticized for telling followers to write down addresses of Harris supporters
  17. Okay let's do a quick sanity check - you criticized Kamala Harris's public speaking skills which is wild when you consider her background, it's literally her job. That doesn't mean you can't criticize her but it means you've thrown Trump under the bus in the process, because he's worse than she is. Have you ever heard the saying, "Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"? So I had to ask why you'd call her out in particular, and when I pointed out that Trump is far worse, you refused to acknowledge that objective fact. You even tried to control the conversation to prevent me from criticizing him, saying that you were talking about Harris so I guess I wasn't "allowed" to point out how applicable your own words are to Trump. You even asked me why Trump would be the topic of conversation and I had to remind you he's the other candidate running... There's a reason you try to bury his many faults, failures, and crimes, and apparently, in light of my being reminded that you're part of the GP, it's because you're more focused on an attempted power grab than the people who need to be protected before we even consider bigger changes. You don't get to say we are one-sided when you behave that way. First of all - we are progressives, we aren't pro-felon, we don't hate the working class, we aren't racists, we don't hate women, and our views are pretty clearly defined by those morals. That does not make us "one-sided". You haven't been banned from speaking, your posts aren't being stealth edited by an out of control mod. And yeah, things are pretty emotional right now because this is kind of serious. You don't see Trump as the risk he is and we can't help you with that if you are determined not to see it.
  18. I was allergic to the bug spray I used while at Cedar Point and now I've got this weird rash on my neck...it really bugs me but I just have to wait for it to clear. >.<
  19. Do you have any suggestions? I've actually been wanting to get a new pair but I couldn't decide on a brand.
  20. Yeah I'm kind of just trying to figure out what her deal is. Has she always been disturbed? When did this nonsense start? How did the plastic surgery get so out of hand? I'm just trying to determine how long this train wreck has been skidding down the tracks and why. It's hard to look away but it's not like I enjoy the view...
  21. We're at Cedar Point. We drove here Thursday and then went straight into the park from 6-10:30. On Friday we went in 11-6 and again from 8 to 11:30. Today we were there from 10 to 3:00, just got back. We're planning on going back again by 8, when the fright night stuff starts back up. The main issue is from the knee down, I just get incredibly achey. I know we've been on our feet a lot the past few days but I'd like to work on it for next year. I was doing cardio boxing (took a break, starting again in 2 weeks) but that obviously doesn't put nearly the same amount of pressure on your legs. I know there are programs like couch to 5k but I need to build even more resilience than that for a park this size. It's just been so long since I did anything that had me walking so much for multiple days in a row. It probably didn't help that I hurt my ankle in July and have been wrestling with an ankle wrap/brace the entire trip.
  22. We're spending the weekend at an amusement park. It's the perfect weekend for it but I don't think I've walked this much since I went to Disney when I was 11... Does everyone just walk around with sore feet or is there a trick?
  23. Potato wedges. We're at an amusement park, staying on the property, and food options that I can eat are limited.
  24. Yeah and I'm not sure how you do that. Given the prevalence of social media, and how much of it revolves around politics, I would think that young people are aware but it doesn't translate into votes. But I haven't done any deep dives into why that is and how to increase real engagement. ETA: I think the age group is usually defined as 18-24 so someone who was 18-20 in 2020 would be 22-24 in the next election. So there's some amount of overlap but I'm sure there are differences there that aren't reflected when you group 18 and 24 together. But I haven't checked for those numbers.
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