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Everything posted by romana

  1. Babbling with occasional excursions into Rants. I could never keep up in Rants, though.
  2. Hey, I've got to keep my family together. Although I'm old, so I don't always remember who was who back in the day. But, hey, I adopted about 40 or 50 people, along with Cowboyardee. We were the dad and mom of the boards.
  3. Twenty years, damn! I was 46 when I started. Not sure if I'm still the oldest, but I can still walk and talk and cuss like a sailor. The son would have been 39 this year, but I lost him in 2015. We played "Blue" from Cowboy Bebop to finish his funeral. But, hell, I'm glad to see everyone here. I miss y'all.
  4. I'd like to try. I fucking hate Facebook, but I don't want to lose track of my people.
  5. OK, I made it. The bitch is back, to quote Elton John. I miss too damn many people. Some of them are over on Facebook, where I keep track of the babies and other fun things. Some are gone forever, which makes me mourn.
  6. It's late, but I had to drop in and see how the place is doing. I'm going to try to scare up some of the old-timers that are still lurking out on Facebook. It's about bedtime, but I'll pull a pint of Guinness for myself for sleeping purposes. *leaves a platter of chocolate chip cookies on the bar*.
  7. A snog thread is an ancient Babbling tradition from the days of yore, in case there are young ones here. I'm trying to revive myself as a board member, and this seemed like a good way to start. Of course, when I showed up here, I was a wild woman. Now I'm just an old married Momma, but still keeping track of a flock of board members over on Facebook ([as]stock group). The boards have meant a lot to me over the years.... Hey, tsar4, any chance of reviving the old speakeasy?
  8. Yes, the wanderer has returned in time for a classic snog thread. In honor of St. Patrick's Day, send a kiss, a hug or a friendly handshake to a special board member or to one and all. If you need refreshments, Momma brought chocolate chip oatmeal cookies to share. If you're really nice, she may let you have a Guinness, as well. Sending a sweet snog to my old pal, @tsar4.
  9. I dunno. I've kept up with Saddy and Killer_Devdasi and Jez the Nun, but not here. I may try to lure them back. Time goes on, man. Even McCorran has a kid now.
  10. Yes, Tsar4, that's it exactly.
  11. Sad anniversary. We miss him.
  12. It's good to be known. I think. I don't remember this name for you from the old boards. Can you give me a hint?
  13. Oh, let's just hang out and be friends. *mommahugs*
  14. Now that's the spirit! *mommahugs*
  15. There are 7 of us left there, mostly. You should come on back. We miss you.
  16. I had no idea there was an IB group on Facebook. I tended to hang with the Babblers, myself, but I can find some of the old crew. *mommahugs*
  17. Not sure if this is the spot for that. This is more of a cookies and conviviality thread. But here's a *mommahug* for you, anyways.
  18. We followed each other a while via email, but I know he's let those go fallow. We last talked a few months after my wedding, and that was 6 years ago today. There's a fair selection of people out on Facebook that have tracked me down. I'll try to drag them back here.
  19. And I will gladly *snog* you back, Adminderaptorpat!!!
  20. tsar4, it's been too long! *snog* Glad to see you've migrated here. I don't have a ton of free time, but I try to stop by. What do you recommend for beverages and music for this get-together?
  21. Yes, Guy. You do remember. *mommahugs*
  22. I am an old person who likes these boards and the [as] of yore.
  23. It doesn't seem like a Christmas without cowboyardee. I miss my (honorary) big brother, and have hopes that some day he may find these boards. In the meantime, I will offer up hugs and cookies to all of the ardee family, wherever they are.
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