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  1. Good but it's depressing once you realize GioGio was the only show not considered a rerun last week by the ratings, and it's gonna be even more depressing when they rerun MHA,
  2. Yup, especially if they want to continue pairing PA with something as dark as Demon Slayer and what a dream team it would be. Although I think that Boogiepop would probably be too much for 12:30am but if it's the second newest show on the block after MHA then it would make sense
  3. That was quick, and is a pleasant surprise. Darn though, well there's still Dr.Stone and Fire Force's replacements coming up.
  4. Could Boogiepop and Others be coming to Toonami?
  5. I included Bebop purely on the merit of it having iconic and original ship designs, same thing with OS, which crosses the boundary further into mecha with the Arms. I actually originally included Super into this but I didn't know if I wanted to open that can of worms. Also I assume that there is general space mafia business in Bebop, it's my first time watching so I'm not too sure. So if you remove the mobile suits, IBO would technically be around the same level.
  6. This is so great, there's going to be 3 space-themed shows on the block now, it's quite refreshing. Not just that but there will be 4 mecha-type shows as well; Gundam, Outlaw, Bebop and Titan. We'll be eating in October, boyos! Speaking of October, Blade Runner 2049 comes out the day before IBO premieres, would be great promotional material.
  7. With the right amount of mental gymnastics anything can be canon, and vice versa, filler.
  8. Kakegurui blowing up is pretty damn astounding, mainly because its main focus is gambling but there it is. Goes to show how objectively strong character designs and good direction can make an appealing impression to casuals. I'm surprisingly tore on Netflix's acquisition of MHA, on one hand they may have done Toonami a favor taking away yet another shonen series from the already saturated block. But on the other, with how popular the show is becoming and depending on if we would have gotten it this year, we possibly could have seen the successor to OPM. Definitely, with the addition of what's in store for 2018, Godzilla, Devilman Crybaby, and their original anime, Netflix really knows how to pick em'. Maybe violent and dark anime with interesting concepts are the way to go, Demarco should take notes. Hopefully he'd learned his lesson from this crisis and will put the future of Toonami over giving the loud majority their fads (I am looking forward to IBOS2 though). Edit-Arguably Jojo part 3 and some other shows fit that description but apparently the general audience doesn't see it!
  9. Honestly I knew what the anime was, I just wanted to be an arse. I can't speak personally about the quality of it but from the impressions of avid anime watchers, it's great wank material, with good characters and a serviceable plot. Call me slowpoke but it should mentioned again how surprising it is that Netflix has come so far with anime and how it's now able to take most of Toonami's lunch. Not just with My Hero Academia and Kakegurui but with other action series like Seven Deadly Sins and Fate Apocrypha, the latter of which could have been a good introduction of the popular Fate Franchise to the Toonami brand. Of course this road was paved by Toonami since its revival but the existence of the service softens the blow if worst comes to worst.
  10. Considering the director is confirmed to take on the job for FLCL2, I would say that this is a excellent idea. However I can't see it in anything other than 12:30am or later since I'm not sure how receptive the general audience would be towards the occasional scenes of lolis either naked or in suggestive situations. I haven't actually watched the show but I've seen enough screengrabs to get that idea.
  11. I hope that eventually word of mouth on social media will give Lupin the boost it deserves.
  12. Almost exactly what they're doing, I seriously hope we do get IBO season 2 sometime though.
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