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Everything posted by JeNewBee

  1. Yes for the most part Going to have to save up for some stuff It would seem
  2. Actually haven't bought the hard drive or ram Just asking around Also my friend talked me out of the hard drive I posted the link for in here
  3. My friend said I should get Samsung 850 EVO Just need to figure everything else out It's all so confusing
  4. poof[/member] You know about computers right?
  5. They'll show up soon enough Don't forget the late night people
  6. CPU, RAM, and video card And storage Need recommendations people
  7. Now we play the waiting game 8)
  8. Did you look at the link? It says it's a hybrid http://a.co/7zVY9Um this good RAM? Also new video card comes out this month forgot the name But I need to compile a list of what need before I go to Fry's tomorrow Top Gun[/member]
  9. Is that even a thing?
  10. DJ Sona[/member] Misaka[/member] You two know this stuff right?
  11. So far I've gotten This https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811139060 And http://a.co/hDKkfcF Was wondering if https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?item=N82E16822178996 would work well with those Picture related
  12. Pic Also why?
  13. Did she add you on FB? Or would you just be creeping on it? If she is a friend just ask for it again on messager That was you can easily find it again in the chat If you delete it again
  14. No I usually never call them Say I will But don't
  15. Black & Tan :brownbottle: :beer:
  16. One day One day Child Your day will come
  17. I make murderous looks sometimes without realizing it sometimes
  18. I've been told I have ferocious gross way of eating But I'm now convinced my older sister was just being a bitch
  19. MEXobiologist[/member] :fap: ::spin:: <3 What does that mean?
  20. What's to understand? ::spin:: Don't open the spoiler because don't how to use this emoticon yet
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