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Everything posted by JeNewBee

  1. Keeping up being barely legal 5 years later Wondrous Nah not old Just past the creep magnet age Still look it though ;) *creeps*
  2. You're still barely legal? Thought that you were barely legal like five years ago....
  3. ::HMM:: owo
  4. Like you don't know what you did
  5. Picture/video or it didn't happen ::]::
  6. Crap! What did I do? I want avoid the creep vibe In future interactions With others
  7. I'm still at it for two more hours
  8. Being cradled sounds nice even if it is by death I think everyone needs a giant with a big blanket That they call When life just sucks That will swaddle them and cradle them in there arms And tell "Everything thing is going to be alright." (TL;DR: I don't even know)
  9. Wow it was chewing it and it still didn't die?
  10. ::: ::spin::
  11. Dad threw it out Both cat and dog go outside We blocked the dog door Start to hear it again Cat has it on the back porch Keeps picking it up and bringing it Back to where she was The rat it gets some distance from the cat Enter The Dog Back in into the story He grabs the rat
  12. I think I'll Google search some trans porn to protect myself
  13. Baby lived she just forced it to hang out with her I have never seen a rodent more pissed off It did loud squeaks at her a couple times basically a "BACK OFF!!" Also jumped on her a couple times also I caught it was going to release it but it somehow escaped
  14. She killed the big one decided the little one was her friend and bossed it around for a bit It would try to escape and she would just pick it up and move it where she wanted it
  15. JeNewBee


    That escalated quickly
  16. That's deep
  17. It's an honest question Also touche what?
  18. Is that even possible with the people on here?
  19. Kudasai[/member] WTF How did that get a +1
  20. Just drinking beers in a public toilet aye?
  21. Kagome-san101[/member] MEXobiologist[/member] You two in?
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