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Everything posted by JeNewBee

  1. JeNewBee


  2. And sent to greeny Quoted when you should of copied and pasted
  3. Yup Get paid next week also going to be short a day Might be able to get an extra day for the next one though to make up for this one
  4. Nothing maintenance major just decided The new guy needed to come in and do some auditing And apparently he could do both jobs so I wasn't needed Which is bullshit Because it only takes like two hours to do that He doesn't need to be there the whole day
  5. And now I have an unshakable feeling of doom whut
  6. Isn't good enough I just don't know
  7. Huh?
  8. ::HMM::
  9. Other side of the photo is a computer case He is just there to show you how big it is
  10. Fine didn't want talk about it anyway
  11. wtf Maybe after this one I should go to a store and look at it first
  12. Yep seems like she did
  13. Cosplay Wait do you mean who's page is it Like you want me to share the page? I don't think I'm going to do that
  14. Nope It is there I can see it just don't have access to it meaning the person banned me You could probably like the page and comment and that But I can't cause bant
  15. Pillsbury dough boy Sells it
  16. Banned from a Facebook page I said What? In a comment Page owner replied ? ? ? So I said !!! And went to make an actual response And got a this page no longer exists So I check the page and I can't comment, like or message Anymore
  17. Now bra toaster strudel is where it's at
  18. No computer stuff
  19. Because still not sure what I'm going to get
  20. I don't know what that means S:
  21. So solid state about 250gb and hard drive 1 or 2tb?
  22. So get a SDD and a HDD?
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