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Everything posted by brainscour

  1. OK nAkkkkchru GUESs I never need you Tip slide pace tip slide pace Tipe slide pace
  2. What's been up? I haven't heard, so I was wondering if you can watch out for my trolls?
  3. The funk is going on in here?
  4. WHY U MAD BRO? You need PJS
  5. You have a hippie girlfriend that don't like dawebbs?
  6. Are you womanizing or demasculating?
  7. Darn surprised to see those are safe.
  8. Did you click it?
  9. What am I supposed to do with that?
  10. Elijah Wood. Elijah's wood. What would Elijah do in my present situation. Why does Eijah such. I like Elijah if he retires early. Shit rings/end
  11. No one blames anyone but themselves, amirite?
  12. Oh, it's plastic? No one wants those... Rare stone on silver wire can float. But it's not marketable
  13. This is a quite reasonable reply.
  14. txamineluva txanimeluva txanimeluva Wants to see this...
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