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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  1. i'd seriously think about getting life insurance and staging a car accident at that point. i did 20+ hour work week + college everyday 2 hours after getting off work and i felt like literal trash. even more than usual.
  2. ive done it twice, but thankfully only part time now. i'd sooner sell parts of my organs on the black market than waste 40+ hours of my life ill never get back on something that's not advancing my life in a meaningful way. it'd probably be less mentally taxing too.
  3. are you a green eyed british girl who's one inch taller than me?
  4. it's my last 3 days at my job and i can't wait tbh
  5. don't think so i have some lame ones on spotify but I always have a youtube tab open, and my current laptop is trash so i haven't used it in a while. i should probably make one though
  6. from the one trailer during the super bowl, it really lacked the atmosphere of the show which was about the only thing i liked about gits
  7. immigration stuff. they let us pick anything we wanted and i tried to pick something i wouldn't get bored of, but i really didn't want to research abuse of women in the middle east enough to write 4000+ words on it like i originally planned, so i just picked that.
  8. english i wouldn't even bother, but it's a prerequisite for every single writing/poetry class i want to take. i didn't look into if i was able to forego taking it, but im guessing no, since it's probably a part of your basics. it's kinda hard to say the level from a 1 to sweden, i'd say a 3.my teacher points out her hate for trump every class, but says she's not ultra left wing. + i have a ton of virtue signalers that always voice their opinion on something, which i don't really care if they do but after browsing /pol/ 24/7 this election cycle i cant help but smile stupidly so i wont laugh.
  9. im still waiting on an answer btw
  10. my head feels like its gonna explode if i have to do another assignment like this ill just drop the class.
  11. Man, I swear my nigga trippin off that shit again pick him up then I set him in cold water then I order someone to bring him Vicodin I hope that take the pain away from the feelin that he felt today you know, when you a part of section.80 and you feel like no one can relate.
  12. it's not that hard at all...
  13. I almost went pc yellow condiment race when I was 15. I'm glad I didn't cause i only played dota and tf2, and all the people I played with kinda disappeared after a while.
  14. atleast you didn't have to worry about upgrading to play ur games at silky smooth 240fps. >mfw they have a $5,000 laptop
  15. not my vegetable... what are you guys' comps/laptops/browsing on?
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