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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  1. these things always looked really good, but i didn't even know they were real until i was older i should probably try making some one day.
  2. /a/ has toonami discussions? lmao i need to see this
  3. started getting back into boc in october after being a little into them when I was younger. geogaddi's great, probably gonna listen to mhtrtc next. I never could get into aphex twin though.
  4. yeah, john depp only brings.... in I dont know maybe 300 viewers these days.
  5. my film budget doesn't have to be big we're not using Hollywood stars like john depp john depp isn't guaranteed to make more than $30 dollars on a movie anymore, those days are over
  6. idk mang that's the only answer I found. probably to check for any other performance problems or something. but I doubt that happens often
  7. from what i read, repair places only ask for it, just to test everything out after the repair is done and make sure it's working fine. my hard drive's failing and another place quoted me $300 to get my data back + repair it and install Windows again. I'd rather just buy a new one at that, so hopefully this place can just repair it so i can transfer the data onto my new one.
  8. just got back they didn't ask me feelsgood.jpg
  9. i have too much porn, schizophrenic writing and memes on there.
  10. i wonder what kind of exercising lets you cut weight fastest. not ufc fighter suicide things, but like cardio, weightliting or just crossfit. if you think about it, smoking actually is like working out your lungs. they have to use more energy, so you can probably also lose weight that way. i never tried that though, i was always paranoid i was gonna lose my sense of taste.
  11. depending on what you want to do and if you're gonna be full time, you don't have to stick to just one thing, or you don't have to finish a major to get a job in that field maybe?, or you can finish one now and afterwards the other. i've always kept changing my mind too, but realized that all the other things i wanted to do wouldn't really match up with the kind of lifestyle i'd like to have. can you get a better job while you start school? the only advice i've ever gotten from people when i talk about things like in a therapist setting or when im asked or w/e is to stop lingering on things, but that's never really helpful. if you still want to be well-adjusted and normal you probably still can be, i don't think people are stuck on a one-way course. if you were good and got fucked over, then the opposite can happen too. me personally, i don't really want to stop lingering on things, it's been so long i can't really imagine being any other way, and i've grown to be alright with that.
  12. i'd imagine it probably gets easier as you keep going and your body adapts to the constant weight loss. you could try juicing +soylent to replace one of your meals, but i like eating too much to ever do that.
  13. are you thinking about going back to school? college in general just further proved that i really don't like being around people for that long. but it's been ok aside from the unnecessarily time-wasting homework i have for english. i think if you're gonna go go, you have to know for sure what your plan's gonna be, so as to not waste more money/time than you have to. techincal schools are also really great. i know a lot of people that have been going for more than half a decade now and still aren't sure what they're gonna do afterwards or what kind of job they're gonna be working. but yeah, idk im bad at advice and don't like telling people how they should think about things, but maybe this time away from it can help you see it through a different angle and you can find out how you're gonna tackle it. i don't know if there's any way to help people who drink a lot, honestly. i had a family member end up in the hospital from drinking so much, but he's still at it.
  14. i didn't know about keto im looking into it, but i really don't think i can give up pasta or rice since those two things are what make up 70% of my meals for the week lol. how much weight are you planning on losing? i dont really know of any advice tbh, my biggest problem with losing any weight was that i was working out, but i would always drink atleast two sodas every day almost always more + i was a neet for a while. im pretty sure i cut off some of my lifespan with that, but once i stopped drinking so much soda, and focused on eating til i was a little full instead of super full,i started losing weight really quickly. i still drink soda, but not more than one a day, and a lot of water + orange or apple juice. i stopped smoking too, so maybe that helped.
  15. i was on a right path as a catholic god-fearing 14 year old but got fucked over multiple times in the course of a year, following what were really the funnest times of my life. if that makes you feel better. my dad and uncles all drink but my dad has always made it a point to let me know he doesn't want me to be an alcoholic, i don't really know if i can do that.
  16. tbh my biggest issue with living in older times is that everything seemed really unhygenic. i love reading about early victorian era + 17th century europe architecture.
  17. i tried regular fasting, but my head hurts like hell all day. i already technically only eat one meal a day, so i can't really do that. 1 and a half if cereal counts.
  18. what's a 5 year long-crisis called?
  19. i have witnesses in this thread u can't do this
  20. i don't think i know of any. there was a thread on /v/ a couple of months ago about i don't even remember what but the thumbnail was this girl on a bed looking up, i thought it was just more trap shit, but something seemed off. i later learned in another thread where people were complaining about the awful fucking mods, that it turned out to be cp, and the thumbnail was just bait and switch. this shit had apparently been happening for a while that night.
  21. i do intermittent fasting so i think i should be ok + im gonna start running again since im quitting my job
  22. i can't think of anyone that would want my nudes
  23. im not there yet though
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