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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  1. i think i've only been on /b/ once. all the doxxing, cp, gore, and necrophilia shit i read about happening on there just freaked me out as a teen. i learned about encyclopedia dramatica before /b/ i think. thankfully i never went on there either. the worst thing ive seen on 4chan was a gif of people throwing a dog over a bridge. i felt like shit for a whole day after that.
  2. that's actually a real interesting thing imagine being able to sell it to companies so they can show you personalized ads? and they wouldn't be able to build a profile on you, they'd just show you ads based on like an i.p. or id number matched to your history. though you probably wouldn't get paid much. don't steal my idea please, i might market this and pitch it to a company.
  3. i mean with the internet and all, there's practically double the amount of things we learn about/see growing up and we're connected to a whole nother world with each other. websites rising and falling, communities forming and dieing a slow,unkind, undeserved death, etc... i think some of my personality and overall sense of humor had it's start in just being on the internet all day from when i was 12 til now. i don't think i'd be the same person if i wasn't shitposting on asmb, mal, or a taiwanese sugar cookie recipe forum all day.
  4. i saw meatspin when i was 13. i was looking for a stream link for a ufc payperview after the site i was on went down and someone linked meatspin in the chat, and i just clicked it without thinking lol. now that i think about, i saw a lot of shady ass chat rooms when i was younger
  5. im not gay, im just trying to find out what's going on guys.
  6. i just ate so im a little bloated maybe some other time.
  7. I've looked like a 15 y/o twink since I was 15. + I'm 5'7 with brown eyes. I was never even given a fair shot. I'm in better shape now though.
  8. can you be a little more specific
  9. didn't someone try to meet batz irl and posted about it? i don't think i ever read how it went
  10. there are very few things in the world id like more than seeing us BTFO chile in a major tournament. I think id actually cry if I saw that in my lifetime. but yah, if we fuck this up, i don't even want to think how much salt ill have.
  11. if osorio stops being a fucking moron, which I'm hopeful for since he's already been on the verge of being fired, we have a really good shot tbh. that embarrassing game vs trinidad notwithstanding, we have an amazing team. Ochoa layun, moreno, araujo, aguilar tecatito, guardado, jonathan, lozano and vela + giovanni if he's not trash tier. tbh player for player, when everyone's playing atleast 80%, we have the most talented team in the cup along with germany. we're only gonna have to play either germany or chile, but not both I dont think. I'd rather face chile for vindication for that game last year, but germany's fine too.
  12. screencap this post. if they don't, i don't think i can handle 2 decades of disappointment. i already predicted the patriots coming back to btfo atlanta, so im feeling confident.
  13. gets 2D gf, believes he's japanese, keeps virginity til his deathbed----MANY SUCH CASES.
  14. dare to do drugs
  15. i remember the first time i drove in rain i was nervous af didn't even know how to turn on the wipers
  16. assuming the traffic for both is the same + no 18 wheelers.
  17. when they both gone, you can't buy them back
  18. yeah idk what an alternative would be.
  19. there's only like a 1/500 chance you'll be a match for someone that needs bone marrow, but i figure it's worth a shot anyways
  20. it was unavoidable, but ive got some savings to burn through for another few months. im gonna start spamming myself to sell plasma + get an appointment to see if i can sell my bone marrow when im in cali for the summer.
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