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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  1. this has nothing to do with the fbi larping threads i've been reading about dnc investigations right? im fucked guys.
  2. i told them if i could have a job as a diplomat
  3. doing in office. it was all fun and games until they asked me my name, and i realized it wasn't a robot im gonna be on the list when the camps start aren't i.
  4. slender is the only horror game from the last 5 years that has scared me somewhat. i don't know how you found resi 6 scary though. have you played the previous ones? 5 wasn't scary at all, but i dropped that shit after the first mission and haven't beaten it again in years.
  5. can someone please make a sketch of this
  6. the best ones for fapping. i still rewatch a lot of them during halloween especially though. anyone have any good ones that aren't as well known. inb4 my life.
  7. i agree hitler was probably a good guy
  8. a pair of red converse i've had since i was 14 and a smashing pumpkins shirt since 2012.
  9. you have to get physical with them so they can learn first-hand
  10. he was funny to listen to during the election year but he's too sparsely interesting for me to listen to him regularly. only podcast/whatever-alex-does-is-called that i listen/watch nowadays is norm macdonald's
  11. you have to click on the city
  12. help me identify this person thanks
  13. "Decadent sluts. Getting kids involved in politics is always a sign of decadence. Imagine george washington thinking like Oh no I wonder what I will tell my kids about this revolution? "I'm a gay woman and im scared", of what you stupid bitch? there were right wing people convinced obama was a reptillian and they weren't scared. These people are so out of touch. They don't get that Trump is a true moderate, and saved this country from collapse. All they think about is their vaginas. That's their big issue, how do i have irresponsible sex and kill the living thing inside me after? People are so fucked."
  14. https://www.ewg.org/tapwater/
  15. soon probably
  16. خخخخخخخخخ احا إنت قلت إيه عليا ابن المرة المتناكة ؟ إنت تعرف أنا مين يالا ؟ أنا متخرج الاول على دفعتي في الضفادع البشرية واشتركت في غارات بالهبل على القاعدة ولود المتناكة و قاتل أكتر من تلتمية ارهابي أنا متمرن في الصاعقة وأنا أعلى وأحسن قناص في الجيش المصري كله , إنت ولا حاجة بالنسبالي إنت مجرد هدف جديد امسحه , وأنا عليا الحرام من ديني لا امسح كسمك من على وش الارض بـ دقة وحرفية ماحدش شافها قبل كده , إنت فاكر إنك هتخلع بـكل بساطة بعد اللي إنت قلته عليا على النت ؟لا يا كسمك دخول الحمام مش زي خروجه , احنا واحنا بنتكلم دلوقتي أنا في اتصال مع شبكة الجواسيس السرية الخاصة بيا حوالين مصر كلها و دلوقتي ال IP بتاعك بنتتبعه ف احسنلك تتحضر ل نيكة كبيرة يا خول ده إنت هتتناك لحد ماتكره كسم حياتك البائسة ديه , إنت ميت خلاص يا كسمك أنا ممكن أكون في أي مكان وأي وقت واقدر إني اقتلك بـ أكتر من سبعمية طريقة وكل دول بس بايدي لوحدها ,أنا مش بس أنا متدرب في فنون القتال بدون أسلحة بس كمان عندي تصريح باستعمال كل الاسلحة والذخيرة المتاحة بالنسبة للجيش المصري وهستعملهم بأعلى كفاءة عشان امسح كسمك من على وش القارة يا معرص يا ابن المرة العرص , لو بس طيزك كانت تعرف النيك اللي هتتناكه من التعليق ال "ذكي “ بتاعك كنت مسكت دين أم لسانك و حطيته في بقك خخخخخخخ ده أنا اللي هاحطه في بقك , ودلوقتي إنت هتدفع التمن غالي اوي يا غبي يا بنالوسخة ,ده أنا هشخ عليك يا ابن الخول و هخليك عايش فيه وتغرق فيه , إنت ميت يا كسمك
  17. the top of mount fuji and jerk off god himself. lol i don't know i just jerk myself off because i'm 18 and my girlfriend won't let me have sex with her lol that's dumb like bitch i know you want it
  18. you guys think they have enough money that i can mooch off of if i hit on one of them?
  19. only when i go out for whatever reason, which is only like once a week outside of work. i used to just buy those dove bodymist things and spray them everywhere, but they don't sell them anymore i think which sucks cause they smelled amazing.
  20. it wasn't that long ago, so yeah.
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