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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  1. i always ask for just a little or no ice, but when i forget ffs. i don't work out for no reason, let me drink my 24 oz rootbeer, save the polar bears.
  2. they don't think it is, but it be
  3. À demain, à demain À demain, à demain À demain, à demain À demain, à demain DO YOU LIKE ME DO YOU LIKE ME DO YOU LIKE ME DO YOU LIKE ME I GUESS?
  4. man, i've only eaten cake batter once, but it was amazing and i'm gonna go to the store right now just to buy some cake mix and try it again.
  5. i can't get satisfaction out of anywhere really, so i keep coming here.
  6. writing and trying to resist drinking
  7. not mine, but it's what im listening to rn
  8. i can't get hard to gay pron
  9. very sordid, much tired, many sleepy, so tedious.
  10. wow, this thread wasn't about me, but ok...
  11. idk when i had some people you don't actually realize how exactly it feels until it's gone. they were really fun and great to be around, but idk if they were actual friends, they were either family, extended family, or kids of family friends that i somehow stumbled upon. i sometimes miss them, but realize i was probably never meant to be that kind of person to both them, and in general, i guess.
  12. you get used to it after a while
  13. are you actually gay?
  14. it's time ? for ? the iPhone ? 8 ?announcement? ??⌚️. I ? hope your ? ready ? for your ?? wallets ? to get ? fucked ??? by ? Tim Cooks ? most ? advanced ? iPhone ☎️ yet. ? Send ? this to ? other ?apple? fan sluts ?? that get ? fucked ??? every ? year by one 1️⃣ of the ? worlds ? most valuable ? ? company ?. Get 0️⃣ back ? no ?? wireless ? charging ? for ? you ?! Get 5️⃣ back and get ? face ????? recognition ???? technology ?. Get ? back ? second 2️⃣ coming ??? of ? Steve Jobs ? ???
  15. wherever the girls have lower standards
  17. proceed with this warning, but go ahead.
  18. you're gonna have to or im gonna have to ask you to leave
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