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Commander McBelch

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Everything posted by Commander McBelch

  1. Now, ask who had originally said that.
  2. I don't get it.
  3. It's not a skin problem, it's a sin problem.
  4. Its currency became so devalued that soldiers didn't want to fight, farmers abandoned their fields, tradesmen stopped working... Everything turned into shit.
  5. There are also major consequences for looming, out of control debts in both cases. For a household, it's loss of the house. For a government, it's the eventual inability to sustain itself, such as what happened to Ancient Rome.
  6. Because you don't know big numbers.
  7. They both work precisely the same way.
  8. Personally, I loathe having to suit up to go outside. .
  9. If this were offered as a tattoo, somebody would have it done.
  10. Are you going to open it and see for yourself or just rely on statistics about it?
  11. Ramune
  12. Not that I'm aware of.
  13. Okay... Now, are there any weapons in the vehicle?
  14. Not this week. She's taking her severance and pension money. It's about time. She's seventy one years old. Her income no longer depends on how many hours she puts in.
  15. American Pie comes to mind, along with anything from Elton John.
  16. The bartender said he won't serve people under twenty one. I told him I'm way older than twenty one months.
  17. I just took the apostrophe out of "its".
  18. What makes this so funny is that the proposal is HALF of the actual post, taken out of context, as usual.🙄
  19. So, you agree that government hand outs on borrowed money is a bad idea?
  20. Watch three quarters of them go bankrupt in six months.
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