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Everything posted by matrixman124

  1. The checkmarks at the top of the replies are all whining about how Jordan should have the Speakership. I guess they are bad at math too
  2. The GOP is too afraid to upset their MAGA contingent. They're fucked. Anyway
  3. THEY ARE BLAMING DEMOCRATS They're saying the Democrats voted out McCarthy... Totally ignores the Gaetz and co defections. They can't math because they can't admit weakness. The party is falling apart
  4. A lot of people are going to die then.
  5. Time to nominate Jesus Christ as Speaker
  6. They literally don't have enough votes. Matt doesn't know how to math.
  7. There needs to be a ceasefire Israel won't stop until it gets rid of all the Palestinians The Palestinians won't stop until it gets rid of all the Israelis This is unwinnable. It's just a bloodbath.
  8. I feel like if you lose the Speaker vote 3 times you should be forced to resign
  9. Pretty sure that's British Parliament
  10. Their chance was Jan 7th Once they did nothing the GOP ceded control
  11. Really shows how underregulated things are elsewhere. But damn, he's really willing to cut the entire European userbase loose. It's almost like he forgot TruthSocial exists as a mostly US right wing Twitter platform
  12. https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-considering-taking-twitter-x-out-of-europe-dsa-2023-10?r=US&IR=T
  13. You don't have any friends! Nobody likes you! I'm not listening! I'm not listening!
  14. Indeed. I'm on Bluesky and there are many more platforms out there
  15. Original post: How was the missile intercepted? Edit: I'm reading more of the thread and it sounds like Israel's Iron Dome doesn't workover Gaza so why would the poster say there was an interception. I would prefer a more official investigation to establish what happened here.
  16. At this point, Israel has to see how they are putting THE GLOBAL JEWISH POPULATION at risk here. They've already warned Israelis in Turkey to get out. They know what's coming. This is insanity.
  17. He's such a toxic vote for anyone not aligned with MAGA
  18. There's already a letter going out to veto the vote that ousted McCarthy. THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING.
  19. Legit I think that is going to happen. Gaetz has no real power here and the GOP would never accept a non-GOP speaker when they have a majority
  20. I knew that when they defended January 6th
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