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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Oh yeah, Gotenks lost their power. Funny how I always forget where the previous episodes of this series leave off at.
  2. He had a "time ring," so I guess that's what he used. Not sure how he got it, or where it came from though.
  3. Legends meet. Guess they won't be going to the future after all in this case. Bummer.
  4. I think Black has found them.
  5. "Too much power." Goku turned Super Saiyan 3 within proximity of a city, and I don't remember it ever causing that much trouble for people.
  6. SO, they have to go to the FUTURE this time to fight their opponent. That's pretty cool, honestly!
  7. So in Trunks' timeline, apparently Buu was never hatched. That's fucking hilarious.
  8. Ever since she befriended Beerus and Whis, I think it's possible that she knows that she should be prepared for anything that requires food.
  9. I like fish. I like sausage. Sounds good to me. I'd try it.
  10. Yes, I looked it up. Fish sausage is real.
  11. LMFAO, sausage never fails!
  12. .....So Black has a time ring? What the fuck.
  13. Lmfao, he knows his future girlfriend even in the past.
  14. Sounds like Beerus isn't happy with the idea of humans tampering with time travel.
  15. WOW, they actually remembered that Goku was dead by the time Trunks returned to the future. Kudos!
  16. Hopefully I don't get sick this round! Let's go!
  17. I'm trying to play catch up. Problem is this episode doesn't have the English dub on the stream I'm watching, so I have to listen to 23 minutes of high-intense screaming. This is harder than I thought it would be. I don't know if I can do this.
  18. Last weekend was rough since I developed a case of the flu. Hopefully I'll get more than just this show and Kai tonight.
  19. I got the vaccine, as mandated by my job and I still got the flu. Usually the vaccine DOES work, as I've been around sick people after being vaccinated and never caught it despite having shitty conditions factored in. For some reason this year, I still got it. This is the first time I'm having to call off sick from work. I think I may have caught it from someone else the other night. I forgot how bad it was. This sucks.
  20. Alright, I am off to bed. 'Night folks.
  21. These guys just pulled fucking Godzilla's by emitting beams from their mouths.
  22. He's dirty and pissed off. Not a good sign. But things rarely are in the DBZ series.
  23. I'm at least gonna' finish Kai, but yeah, I think I'm sick and staying up all night wouldn't do me any favors.
  24. I don't think I'm gonna' make it to Jojo at this rate. I might sit this night out. I feel terrible.
  25. Now half of Kami's Lookout is gone. Literally.
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