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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. This should be a nice funny episode to lighten things up before the final three episodes.
  2. No OP theme after the intro? This is certainly different. Ah, spoke too soon.
  3. One more before bed!
  4. ....Well, the Chimera ant arc has about a year's worth of content if we divide each episode by 7 days. Could be a while if they wanted to.
  5. Please, PLEASE let Gon be right!
  6. I guess Gon is taking this better than I thought he would.
  7. When Gon wakes up, he's going to be super pissed off.
  8. The guy with the glasses chose his words with more tact.
  9. Nataro! I really want to know how he fights!
  10. Fuuuuuuuck, dude. Everything was going so well!
  11. This is why I was scared. Pitou just made an appearance in the previous episode, and now this? Shit's happening too quickly.
  12. I'm actually scared. This is fucking incredible.
  13. That would actually be fucking hilarious if he actually had to be found in outer space. Like he's some sort of god.
  14. I have this sneaking suspicion that something bad is going to happen to one of these characters during this arc.
  15. I swear, that Penguin Chimera Ant sounds so orderly.
  16. This is the most interesting show of the night every Saturday now.
  17. The blind man shows loyalty to Dio because he was the only person to treat him properly. That is so sad.
  18. Probably for the same reason why we had a pedophile orangutan in the first part of the series. ...Because it just adds to the strangeness.
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