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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. I think Kayoin is out for the rest of this fight.
  2. Well, this isn't good. Honestly, the ideas that the mangaka has for stand powers is quite creative.
  3. Lmfao, the blind stand user doesn't have a damn clue what's going on since he knows nothing about Iggy.
  4. Something tells me that it isn't going to matter that much.
  5. Time to see how they defeat the blind stand user.
  6. He was likely trying to bide some time for Gohan and the others, like he did for the androids against Cell.
  7. Wouldn't that be a blessing?
  8. I know. Felt like a weird place to stop at.
  9. I suppose Asta's going to play heroics in the next episode.
  10. Is this the guy Asta beat?
  11. I was semi-expecting Asta to be unable to gain entry since he had no magic abilities.
  12. Rejection. This guy just doesn't get it.
  13. Lmfao, the pedophile spent all of his money on clothes, apparently.
  14. Bets are that the Wizard King is a total piece of shit who is unlikable.
  15. Because its occupants are always tearing shit up?
  16. At least we're not four minutes in with the intro unlike last time.
  17. Funny part is that I made a typo, and people still understood that I meant "DBZ Kai" instead of Black Clover.
  18. Funny thing...I usually think that Jojo comes after DBZ Kai almost every weekend. NOPE.
  19. Vegeta's also on his way to the battlefield as well. Next episode should be entertaining.
  20. And Goku pops in to save the day, just in time.
  21. Unfortunately, the trick he used against Cell that one episode isn't going to work on someone as jacked as Buu.
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