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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Tien pops up out of nowhere.
  2. Dende's healing powers are too slow. Never mind.
  3. And the beatdown continues!
  4. Supreme Kais mastered the art of fusion.
  5. Mr. Pickles is back! FUCK YES.
  6. Meanwhile back on Earth, the beat down continues.
  7. LMFAO, he's dead, but he's not really gone.
  8. The return of the BEST character in DBZ!
  9. He only has 1,000 roughly before he kicks the bucket. Damn.
  10. Time for Gohan to get his ass kicked after 1.5 episodes of badassery.
  11. I actually meant, why he didn't explain to Gohan why he was back from the future. They even asked that question as soon as I made my post.
  12. Okay, no clue who that guy is, but my guess is that because he has an earring, he's associated with Black in some way.
  13. Well, that and why he came back from the future.
  14. LMFAO! Perfect timing for my question...
  15. Wait, did he EVER explain to them why he came back?
  16. Aw man. Now I just feel bummed out.
  17. It's called happiness, Trunks. Something you should experience more often, considering how rough your life has been.
  18. Gohan's officially a dweeb.
  19. First appearance of Saiyaman in Super?
  20. Something tells me Future Trunks is a little disappointed in the "new and improved" Gohan.
  21. The rain is fucking up the cable again...
  22. Games like that almost make me wish I still played video games. Almost...
  23. Confirmed: The OVA about Trunks' past is canon.
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