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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. I think Buu was trolling them hard in the previous episode. My memory has gone to shit.
  2. Shit. Now he seems to have a new goal.
  3. Fuuuuuck, now he knows about the Dragon Balls.
  4. Soooo.....training for 3+ episodes now?
  5. Something really bad is going to happen, I think.
  6. Okay, now THAT surprised me. Yajirobe being heroic.
  7. I knew that was going to happen.
  8. Isle of Dogs, huh? I'd actually see that.
  9. When Trunks is pissed, it really shows in the way he fights.
  10. He knows how to use a Kamehameha technique, and you're surprised he knows how to use Instant Transmission as well? I'm not.
  11. So far, Trunks is holding his own.
  12. I'm expecting bullshit reasons for Black's existence.
  13. Even the title makes it sound like this is going to be an impossible fight.
  14. I forgot what happened last weekend, so I actually appreciate the recap.
  15. The difference is that Warner Bros.'s MonsterVerse isn't being pushed too hard. They've only had two films in four years, which is the opposite of what so many other studios are attempting. The DCU has so many fucking films announced (more than 10) when they have only what....three of these films out by this point? The MonsterVerse only has two more in the closet, and we don't know if it'll be continuing after Godzilla vs. Kong. The problem with many of these "universe" ideas is that they are planned too far ahead. Then when one film flops, they decide it's not worth doing anymore.
  16. Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures have Godzilla and Kong. Universal has the Dark Universe, which I think is long dead at this point.
  17. Probably won't happen, but my prediction is that we get a Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo marathon. Even if the schedules say otherwise.
  18. I worked for Ticketmaster at one point. I left after about half a year. Reason being: Everyone called and asked why the company never did anything about resellers. Shit got old. But I understood people's frustration.
  19. My yearly inspection was done a week ago. My landlord gave me a thumbs up. My neighbors got the boot. In another thread, I mentioned my apartment had a mouse. It wasn't because of me, but apparently because my neighbors refused to clean up after themselves. Every time I walked by their fucking door, I smelled garbage. Not any more, though.
  20. I've doing the same thing OP is doing, but I have the day off tomorrow. I can drink away.
  21. Not my type. No.
  22. A Sig Sauer P238 (.380) and a Canik Stingray-C (9mm), but no rifles or shotguns. I also owned a Taurus TCP 738, but it was such a piece of shit that I sold it. That's all.
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