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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. WHELP, I think the sharks were actually possessed by a stand.
  2. Yes, but in most fiction they're deemed cold-blooded killers. Blame Jaws.
  3. "Cabin boy?" I don't think that's a boy, but okay...
  4. I still love hearing that Speedwagon's legacy lives on.
  5. LOL, "nobody can use the chamber more than two times in their life." AND THEY JUST USED IT IN THE LAST EPISODE OF SUPER. Goku said he was in it once as a child! That's three times!
  6. Of course, breaking the news to them isn't easy.
  7. This is one of the few times Mr. Popo actually sees combat.
  8. I remember the hype surrounding the Z Sword.
  9. FINALLY. Gohan's being revived after how many episodes?
  10. And to think they just wished a bunch of people back.
  11. Did Babidi do that last episode? I don't remember.
  12. So, next episode: Goku vs. Freddy Fazbear.
  13. A written exam to get in? Lmfao.
  14. A Saiyan race that wasn't full of asshole conquerors? That's certainly something...
  15. In other words, Toriyama said "fuck it, I'm tired of Kibitokai. Retcon that shit."
  16. Whis would honestly be an awesome fashion designer with his taste.
  17. At first I thought he was actually going to try pinching them. Nope. Just a punch.
  18. LMFAO. "I have large, shapely nipples. I have ever since I was born."
  19. Also, it was nice to see them in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Great times!
  20. And despite this, I surprisingly thought the episode wasn't a complete waste of time.
  21. After a rather shitty Labor Day weekend, we're back to our regularly scheduled programming (literally).
  22. Saw IT. Fucking phenomenal movie. Dynamic casting with some minor hiccups, but overall the best horror movie I have seen in years. Novel purists will hate it though.
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