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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Bringing a gun to a sword fight. Who's gonna' win?
  2. Well, things are quickly beginning to go downhill.
  3. Yep. He is gay after all.
  4. Something tells me this guy is supposed to be gay. Or a pedophile.
  5. Did they just say "West Virginia Space port?" If so, I call bullshit. We just developed cars in this area. We won't be capable of space travel for another 1,000 years.
  6. Gotta' love how everyone is screaming, and then there's the ship's computer with its monotone voice, and Melfina with her calm voice.
  7. "All women are special. All women possess many faces."
  8. Well, it IS for Code Orange.
  9. So I guess we have a new antagonist with the next set of episodes.
  10. Glad to see I'm not the only one getting "Jesus" vibes from his hair.
  11. Lmfao, he's doing a "starvation" protest. .....This could be bad.
  12. Really? What a lousy security guard.
  13. LOL, the CGI for that vent was lit.
  14. I bet this episode is 90% antics between Lupin and Zenigata.
  15. Things are getting more interesting as each episode goes on.
  16. Soooo, Phantom Troupe isn't finished yet.
  17. > City of Love > Still has plenty of crime like Philadelphia.
  18. Biscuit is fucking smitten!
  19. "He's not even trying." I swear to fuck, if it isn't Chrollo, it has to be Hisoka. There's NO OTHER PERSON who would fit the bill!
  20. LMFAO, who wants to bet it's Hisoka?
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