I know that this probably is the case, but with how things have gone in the past, I still can't picture characters like Hit beating characters like Kid Buu or Perfect Cell.
But he probably would...somehow.
I like the new bumps they have when they go to commercial break.
Having Tom and Sara absent during these TIE's always makes them seem creepy without someone saying "We're back with more [iNSERT SHOW TITLE HERE]."
I had a crush on someone in high school who didn't know I existed. She died in a car crash because she did not wear her seat belt.
I don't think that counts, but it's the closest thing I can relate to.
I don't really want anything.
I guess a gift card for a movie theater next year since a lot of great films are coming out, but other than that? Not much.
I watched the 1954 a few hours ago to celebrate. Also to wash the nasty taste of that shitty anime film which is coming out in two weeks out of my mouth.
Fuck that lazy animation style.
It's not hard. The dice can fuck players pretty easily, but it's mainly imagination mixed with good humor and creativity that makes it an enjoyable experience.
Played it all the time back in high school, and in my early college years. Sad thing is, everyone I played it with has either moved out of the area, are too busy to spend time with their families (let alone myself), or they're dead.