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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. There's so much stalling in this episode compared to the previous one.
  2. For some reason, it's really hard for me to pay attention to what is happening this episode...
  3. Now to find out how this ends (assuming that it ends this episode).
  4. So it looks like this could be yet another event where some aesthetic changes are made. Assuming Sara ends up dead by the end of this, I mean.
  5. So, Sara's gone rogue?
  6. No alternate universe, just "Future Tom."
  7. "Open fire." Not the thing you want to hear.
  9. Devilman Grimoire Volume 1.
  10. So, I guess next week we'll find out how things end up.
  11. Of course, the fucking planets have a role in their performance. Figures...
  12. So it looks like not only MacDougal....but Aisha Clan-Clan will be participating. This is going to be so fucking fun to watch.
  13. Even the ship is ready to race. That's the spirit!
  14. Jesus Christ, she's hell bent on getting pay back.
  15. I'm curious to know if this episode will be the one where
  16. Lmfao. She's doing manual labor now. >
  17. Rotflmfao! I don't think anybody intends for Melfina to wear that. If anybody, it'll have to be Gene.
  18. It's this guy again!
  19. LMFAO! Did Gene just try to get her phone number? >
  20. Oh yeah! Last episode, Gene wanted to GTFO of dodge since that one guy's spaceship was going to participate in that race.
  21. Final show of the night for me, maybe. Might stay up for ATHF. Depends on how I feel.
  22. There's a Season 4? I have some catching up to do. Haven't watched it since it was broadcast on IFC so many years ago. By the way, it sucks about what happened to CrunchyRoll. Tbf, I don't use their service, so I wouldn't know how bad this is.
  23. Only seven more episodes left. Feels like it's going by too quickly.
  24. So he literally turned them into monkeys...
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