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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Looks like the ceremony worked.
  2. Of course, Mr. Satan, and a number of Z Fighters have been spared from total genocide.
  3. Pretty much, Buu just ended the entire world, save for a few people.
  4. Does Garlic Jr. count?
  5. And Buu just walks on, because he doesn't give a shit.
  6. That evil is about to unleashed this episode, I believe.
  7. Like I said, October-December probably have the lowest ratings of the year for Toonami due to all of the marathon breaks that they need to take. However, I understand why they do it at least...
  8. Well, fuck. That doesn't look good.
  9. WELL, a two-part filler episode that we won't see until January. Shit.
  10. The guy on the radio was speaking Jako's mind, I guess.
  11. And Goku's energy sickness appears to have subsided after only one episode.
  12. Chichi reminds me of a bird when she's angry.
  13. What a coincidence! Same guy as the one on the planet they went to.
  14. Tom is such a badass. He's fucked up, yet still giving game reviews.
  15. At least it makes sense for them to avoid going Super Saiyan in this case...
  16. Monaka is either legitimately comatose, or he's faking it.
  17. Ass-kicking imminent.
  18. > Confirmed: Aliens also have a market for radio broadcasting.
  19. Well, Trunks does get a sword when he's older. Makes sense that he'd have a taste for them as a kid.
  20. I have a feeling that something will go horribly wrong during this experiment.
  21. I guess this guy is going to try to fight off all of those guys.
  22. Hopefully this is entertaining filler like the previous episodes.
  23. It was my first Elder Scrolls game, so that plays a lot into why I love it so much. Plus, I spent a lot more time on the sidequests before I completed the game's primary quest. A lot of it has to do with nostalgia, at least for me.
  24. Seymour was the only cartoon dog to ever make my cry like a bitch. Having him enshrined on a cup forever is awesome.
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