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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. I went back and just rewatched the episode, and noticed what I think you were referring to here, which I have to say I totally missed the first time around. It just brings up more questions than answers, but when Kimi first enters that mysterious chamber wth all the writing on the walls, for a split second it looks like someone (Taka I can only presume) hanging from a tie that's wrapped around that stalactite that's just above the pile of moss there. Seeing that is how come Kimi starts to cry for a second it seems like, so... Okay, I mean, as if it's not weird enough that people seem to be turning into moss, now they're hanging themselves and then turning into moss? Kimi could've just imagined it I suppose, but I dunno. I don't see how they're gonna be able to explain everything with just one more episode. I'll be shocked as hell if they can make it all make sense somehow anyway.
  2. Yeti bro assassins? They took down both Brook and Zoro so easily? What the... Just how strong are these guys? Damn!
  3. Ussop to the rescue! Never thought I'd say that.
  4. Is it withdrawal symptoms? Did he hook them on some type of narcotic?! That'd be pretty sick.
  5. When Robin's creeped out, you know it must be bad.
  6. Using Franky/Chopper as a trampoline. ROFL
  7. This guy's got a laugh that could make the Joker green with envy. Hmmm. Perhaps that's not a coincidence now that I think about it. His name is Caeser clown, and he happens to have a contact called Joker. The Joker of course from Batman, also known as the clown prince of crime, and was played once by Caeser Romero in the old Batman TV series. Ha! Oh, and one of Joker's favorite weapons too is Joker laughing gas.
  8. So "Joker" is the navy traitor. Don't recall hearing that name before in One Piece. I'm guessing whatever new medicine Caesar's gonna use on them is do some crazy stuff and be bad news for Luffy's crew.
  9. The Owl House finale part 1 I thought this wasn't gonna air until sometime next year. Glad I noticed it was gonna be on while checking my cable guide tonight.
  10. Separation of a person into parts doesn't affect the whole person's vital functions apparently, but now that Law has his heart, he could conceivably easily kill Smoker if he wanted to by simply putting a knife into it. Makes it pretty impossible for Smoker to threaten him any further so long as he's got it.
  11. OMG! Samurai head on his legs. 🤣 Can't believe Luffy just gave them up so easily though.
  12. Smoker's heart was still beating, albeit slowly, so he's probably still okay. Maybe it's not that his heart was taken out, but that it's sort of semi-frozen that's caused him to go unconscious.
  13. Taking out his heart? But wait... If the samurai's legs and head can move around just fine without a heart, then why can't the rest of Smoker do the same? Yeah, I know, as usual I'm taking this all too seriously.
  14. Damn he's cold. Quite apropos though given the setting.
  15. This episode begs the question: would you rather be turned into moss... or sauce. Hmmmmm... I'd have to go with moss personally. The thought of someone putting me on ice and licking me up... no thanks. 🤢
  16. LOL This guy's got a serious inferiority complex. Ha! "Never heard of ya!"
  17. Looks like the law is about to fight the Law.
  18. It's a human popsicle hallway! How do I get me one of those? Me want.
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