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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. .....I actually like this....instead of a he and his wife having Biological Babies ever after, he dies and his wife adopts an orphaned Baby....it's original
  2. boy, shut up, you just a head in a jar
  3. once again Johnny Yong Bosch and Michelle Ruff I swear Viz's casting director ships them
  4. Jojo and his girlfriend gon be havin' sum SEEEEEEECKS!!!!!!!!!!
  5. FINALLY!!!!, The bad fake British accents can have a rest
  6. dear mysterious hermit man, could you please NOT give Dio a new body
  7. Holy shit Toonami's showing a short before the first marathon!
  8. Y'know when Cell crushed 16's head human Blood came out of it
  9. , it does have redeeming qualities don't get me wrong(personally I'm actually not mad at some of the stuff GT did), it's main saving grace is that the villians are not as horrible
  10. that's where the Toriyama input comes in it's villians are nor as horrible
  11. I'm gonna warn you right now that super is NOT very different from GT, like GT it cannot mix Comedy and Action to save it's life, and has a small ammount of plot holes....that said, it's canon, because it's overseen by Toriyama....basically it's just a canon remake of GT where Goku is still an adult
  12. Super's animation is gonna take some getting used to, I legit thought Pilaf was animated in Flash for a second
  13. remember my theory that past Cell would've turned out to not be evil.......I repeat it now because it has been established that past 17 and 18 are nice but in Trunks future, still evil....why?
  14. Bulma if the man never showed you compassion why'd you fuck him...............more than once
  15. I remember on the CW they replaced the Halos with little yellow Balls like the ones over Chao heads in Sonic Adventure the Nicktoons edit just removed them entirely like the 90's Toonami edit did
  16. and here goes Mr. Satan stealing the credit for Gohan's victory
  17. I've always wondered why Bulma's mom looks 20
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