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Everything posted by Poofy

  1. https://www.wkbn.com/news/local-news/man-suspected-of-stealing-gavels-from-local-judge-report/ Unknown if the gavels were used to smash the windows, but I choose to believe they were.
  2. I'm not sure. There's def a drug problem, but Idk if the drugs here are as record breaking as our arson and homicide rates. I'll look into it. I might try looking up overdose rates.
  3. https://www.wkbn.com/news/local-news/burglar-steals-fireball-cigars-during-store-break-in/
  4. https://www.wkbn.com/news/local-news/man-marked-suspicious-after-clown-statue-left-at-local-sheriffs-office/
  5. Let me be very clear. I've been resisting all urges to make this thread for some time now. After they found multiple live grenades laying by the side of the highway. That almost did it for me, but still I resisted. It's not just our long standing historical tradition of carnage. Or that we are on and off again the literal Arson Capital of the USA Or that there's no signs of it stopping with things like this being quite normal. With our ever dwindling population, we're a small town, but when adjusted for this, our murder rate is on par with Chicago, Compton, and Detroit. It's not unusual for Youngstown to have years where it has the highest murder rate out of these cities. It's not just any of that. It's the particular flavor of the crime that, at times, leaves me in awe. It's almost Floridian in its madness, but different somehow. If Florida Man lost his mind to the tropical heat, sun, and humidity. Youngstown Man lost his in the unrelenting cold, dark, fog of war that envelops the city. I want to share it with the world. I want you to know this wasteland like I know it. So don't worry, dear reader, this thread won't be a simple list of shootings. I won't bore you with that. It will only be stories that showcase the very particular flavor of crime unique to this lost world.
  6. idk guys. At this point it feels like it's just gonna keep escalating.
  7. that's the first draft see, when Jefferson wrote it, he was fangirling out over the lion the witch and the wardrobe and put narnia by mistake George Santos noticed the error, and corrected it, saving the new nation much embarassment
  8. Air Force will deploy Mjolnir and Thor to combat drone swarms https://taskandpurpose.com/news/air-force-drone-swarm-defense-mjolnir/ there no more scary
  9. i mean he is in finance
  10. he looks just like my discord admin tbh
  11. thank you nabby
  12. bet
  13. i know the struggle
  14. I was oddjob I worked my ass off you have no idea
  15. while his party is literally trying to sue people for crossdressing
  16. nummy nummy in my tummy
  17. It’s Chinese new year and they gave us a free mega care package with the holiday style fried noodles, beef, and pepper onion shrimp. My old boss isn’t even there anymore. It’s been like 10 years since I worked for them but I’m still in favor hahaha
  18. remember the Slaughterbots short film? who could forget here's an update on where we are with that and also, should we just have a single "aw sweet man made horrors beyond my comprehension thread" ? Or should we keep zombies, drones, and ai basilisks separate?
  19. fridays a good day to get weird unless thursday is your friday then thursday is your weird day
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