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Erectile Disfunction

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  1. I would give myself advice in regards to future girls I was involved with. To not make the mistakes that lead to me squandering what I had with my first gf, her being the one that understood and accepted me the most, compared to the future bitches I associated with. Considering 2nd gf was a major compulsive liar and jerked me around for her own amusement, even to the extent of telling me she had a miscarriage when it was intentional abortion. 3rd gf was better than the 2nd, but I was going through a somewhat irreligious/atheist episode and she was very Christian, something she didn't like. At some point she quite literally up and disappeared out of my life, I found out close to a year later that she met and got engaged / married to someone else... so in short I'd make things work out with the 1st one.
  2. Do whatever I could to insure my gramps didn't die when he did, and if it couldn't be done, then be there for him, and have a real conversation with him at the end, and not me wanting to gtfo as soon as possible under the pretense that he'll be fine and will pull through as he always has before.
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