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Le Guignon

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Everything posted by Le Guignon

  1. Le Guignon


    Wat The asmb started in like 05/2003 on Prospero.
  2. Happy birthday! 🎈🎊🎉
  3. Same really. I feel like it's maybe sort of an embrace of cringe?
  4. It was that exact same one.
  5. Exactly the same for me. I said bother to redownload it after upgrading phones.
  6. I think I got the exact same one the time before this one. I got mine from the international foods aisle at Walmart. It was like a cute round glass jar with honeycomb in the middle. My crossfaded and barred out friend stuck his fingers in it and pulled out the honeycomb to eat it before I could stop him so I had to throw it away.
  7. I didn't get hungry and I was reading dumb stuff, cleaning, and fighting over cactus placement.
  8. I love Greek yogurt but I always buy too many or forget about them and they go bad before I can eat them.
  9. Oatmeal bro twins. I only used honey because it's been unopened in my cupboard for like four months and I wanted to try it out.
  10. Yeah. Felt like I was about to ded
  11. I couldn't figure out why I was shaky and dizzy and started getting worried. I made oatmeal with chocolate protein powder, 2 tbsp of local bee honey, frozen strawberries, and almond milk. Surprisingly hideous but good.
  12. It was sunny for me unless I missed early morning showers.
  13. Whaaaaat? I'm showing cloudy and partially cloudy with highs in the mid 70's to low 80s for the next 10 days.
  14. Le Guignon


    I don't even know what this is about... But I genuinely love that you felt inclined to make a terrible passsive aggressive drama llama thread about it.
  15. I decided to research it. He's alive and has a twitter. Seems pretty okay for an old dude.
  16. I'm not about to publically incriminate myself.
  17. I'm an athetist. Every now and then when I've almost died or had to stare my own mortality in the face I get scared. Scared that maybe there is a hell of something similar because I'm definitely going there if there is. Then I realize how stupid I am for even entertaining such ideas and go back to my atrocious life.
  18. I have no idea what I was going for with this or why it exists lol
  19. I'm disappointed this thread doesn't have a poll about if we should have a forum poll.
  20. I find the same hold true for a lot of things. Especially for drugs, near death experiences, and successfully crafting a cute haiku on the fridge with half yiddish magnets.
  21. I wonder if that guy's dead by now. He looked like he actually had diabetes.
  22. I can't find it anywhere. =v_v=
  23. The injured roof of my mouth says it shouldn't be.
  24. T'ch whatevs ur gross and smores cereal is fantastic They actually make a frosted Honey Bunches if Oats now and it's my second fave.
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