I think I got the exact same one the time before this one. I got mine from the international foods aisle at Walmart. It was like a cute round glass jar with honeycomb in the middle.
My crossfaded and barred out friend stuck his fingers in it and pulled out the honeycomb to eat it before I could stop him so I had to throw it away.
I couldn't figure out why I was shaky and dizzy and started getting worried.
I made oatmeal with chocolate protein powder, 2 tbsp of local bee honey, frozen strawberries, and almond milk.
Surprisingly hideous but good.
I don't even know what this is about...
But I genuinely love that you felt inclined to make a terrible passsive aggressive drama llama thread about it.
I'm an athetist.
Every now and then when I've almost died or had to stare my own mortality in the face I get scared. Scared that maybe there is a hell of something similar because I'm definitely going there if there is. Then I realize how stupid I am for even entertaining such ideas and go back to my atrocious life.
I find the same hold true for a lot of things. Especially for drugs, near death experiences, and successfully crafting a cute haiku on the fridge with half yiddish magnets.