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Everything posted by sahockeygrl15

  1. random drug tests suck and so does the fact that :420: isn't legal everywhere
  2. I'm trying.. decisions decisions
  3. you will def be coming with me!
  4. Sign me up Scotty, sexpanther here
  5. I made a seasoned tenderloin with fried potoatoes and corn... nom!
  6. well of course! And indoor plumbing >.>
  7. I'm so sorry
  8. Make an account already.. you lurker you
  9. oh philly.. I have been so close yet so far from that filthy place
  10. omg! Let's get one
  11. I'm not going to rule it out!
  12. it's not.. I'm just done with everything here
  13. why did slim shady pop in my head?!
  14. I wish I could.. I have to work this weekend :'(
  15. A permanent one.. to anywhere far far far away from this country </3
  16. 7 years ago.. this has absolutely nothing to do with my love for football
  17. :3 I'll leave it with that
  18. officially, no
  19. oh no.. what happened to your web? It's ok <3 I never see you on here (because I'm usually asleep by then) so it's worth it
  20. you don't know what you are in for
  21. I wish it was a want thing for me >.> I'm sure that convo is going quite swimmingly
  22. that there are
  23. that's what I like to hear
  24. I'm from the town with the great football team dundundundun we are the Pittsburgh Steelers
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