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Everything posted by moose

  1. I wouldn't say the okamas from One Piece like penis. They're just transsexuals. They're sexual preference is never stated upon. One Piece is completely devoid of stuff like that other than from gags from Sanji and Brook. All everyone really wants is adventure, and that's one of the reasons the series is so great.
  2. Ya know, I recently went to see the new Yugioh movie and that dub was pretty good. Damn good actually. While I'm sure it had some 4Kids terms and whatnot, it was overall handled with care and respect. The acting was good. There were silent moments and the music wasn't overbearing (although sure, it was still replaced) Japanese text was actually translated and not sloppily edited out . Puns didn't litter the dialog (there were some, but appropriate moments) It was entertaining and good. So when I see the atrocity that is the4kids OP dub, which is littered with bad acting, overbearing music, atrocious edits, and a script that only contains lame puns... it makes me think that 4Kids deliberatly tried to sabotage the series. Because while they're dubs were never that good... none were as atrocious as 4Kids OP. None. And it pisses me off that that's a contributing reason for why people never gave it a chance. That good for nothing dub. A dub that managed to be worse than even the other mediocre dubs 4Kids had made.
  3. Damn, that was a badass episode with Zoro, too. Screw you, mainstream.
  4. Maybe in the manga he never showed Buu the different forms and just went straight to SS3, but I dunno for sure...
  5. This is a true bond of freindship. Unlike Naruto and Sasuke, which seems forced.
  6. Zoro's giving him 'head'. >
  7. Well, more so than usual. You'll see. Still a good episode tho.
  8. This is a very cool episode.....buuuuuuuuuut..... it is also really dragged out so... yeah. Take that as you will.
  9. Also this random Sasuke flashback that amounts to nothing in the long run...
  10. As good as the production values of the episode are... it still has stupid elements... like Karin... and Jugo randomlly turning into a kid.
  11. No idea what you're taslking about, but you always make up bullshit so I'm not going to bother listening. It's not the point anyways. Just try to post with more diversity when you're in the episode discussion threads.
  12. What? After I got told off by your parent guardian, I never went into that thread again. Also, that's unrelated. We're talking about the talkback threads.
  13. This is the only episode during this arc that is good, mainly due to the animation.
  14. Mochi, every post you make is complaining about anime not being pro gay. I get it, they need to be more progressive in that fact - but you don't need to pollute the threads with every post complaining or talking about that. Have some diversity. Geez.
  15. I consider YorkNew to be the "Arlong arc" of HunterxHunter. Like with One Piece, it has a slow but okay beginning, but when both reach their respective arcs (YorkNew for HxH, Arlong for OP) the two series really hit it off and do not stop.
  16. Actually, I believe this is indeed Laura Bailey voicing Kid Trunks on Kai. It's in Super where she was replaced. Buu Kai was recorded a while ago, when Bailey was available, but Super was dubbed recently, which explains why she isn't in it (she does bigger things now). Anime News Network had a cast list for both series confirming this.
  17. The next episode contained hilariously bad art and animation, but the version FUNi dubbed was the blu-ray version which fixed the art so... we should be mostly ok, but keep in mind it's still Toei.
  18. While, yes, the shonens ARE for kids... but by U.S content standards the uncut versions of One Piece, Naruto, the Dragonballs and ESPECIALLY HunterxHunter are NOT TV-Y7. Most of them are TV-PG/TV-14 and I wouldn't be surprised if HunterxHunter hits some TV-MA's, as well. That's just the diffrence in what Japan allows and what America allows for their children programming. But none of them, by our standards, can be TV-Y7 as is, even if they are for kids technically. Also, Unicorn can hover around PG and 14, but Jojo most defenently earns that TV-MA ratings, what with the constant be-headings and body carnage.
  19. Meh, I still think if we were in the very same delema, the United States would still have more crime. Things are more stricter in Japan, morals are more practiced, so crime isn't going to be as common. Unfortunely that rigid strictness is a contributing reason for the suicide rate being so high - many children don't believe they can be successful due to Japan's high expectations. Which is also another reason why birth rates are low as well, since kids can get in the way of financial success, most decide to not have any. Of course, America has the opposite problem in which our birth rate is too high - far too many children living in poverty here - which again ties into our overall education, or lack of - no morals and women just pop out crack babies with no plan or future.
  20. Oh I'm well aware of the reasons Japan has a high suicide rate. But at the same time, their crime rate is way smaller than the USA's. Probably because, again, they're better educated on average.
  21. While I don't believe that to be 100% true, I think that fits the mold overall. That being said, the Japanese are typically way more educated and well-mannered than Americans generally (not always tho) so I guess I should expect this.
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