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Everything posted by moose

  1. That's another thing that bothers me, about Videl... She was a hardcore tomboy in the Buu arc, but by the Beerus arc, which only takes place 6 months after the Buu arc, she's this super-girly stay-at-home wife. I mean... that's a pretty abrupt change.
  2. It's just the typical 'shonen hero is oblivious to woman' syndrome, but Toriyama made that trait become complicated by having Goku get married and have kids. Once those things happen, typically, you're not oblivious to woman anymore... but low and behold, Goku still is.... lmao.
  3. Yeah, during the Goku Black arc, Goku is surprised that Future Trunks 'kissed' Future Mai (he was really just chewing up a Sensu Bean and feeding it to her because she was unconscious and couldn't chew on it) and stated that he never kissed ChiChi before, which confused the hell outta Vegeta, who stated how could that be since he's married. Goku didn't seem to understand the significance of that. So him having kids really isn't adding up. They're obviously not adopted so...
  4. Goku cares about his family and friends to some degree, given that Krillin's death is what triggered his SSJ transformation. But as for actually wanting to be with them, he rather just train. Luffy, quite clearly, needs his friends to stay sane. And he has fun with them doing different things! All Goku wants to do with others is train train train, spar spar spar.
  5. To add my two cents in. It's pretty obvious that the ONLY thing Goku really shows passion about is training and fighting. He somehow had kids, which is kinda weird to me, because like Luffy... he doesn't really seem to care about romance, sex or anything like that (hell, in Super it's confirmed he never kissed ChiChi, in OG DB he thought getting married was eating, etc etc....) so for him to have two kids never really made much sense, but whatever... But yeah, all Goku cares about is fighting. I mean, in this latest Super arc he's willingly putting his universe at stake, just so he can have that damn tournament. It's really gotten to the point where Goku is too obsessed with fighting. Luffy on the other hand, cares about more things than just his dream of being King of the Pirates. He understands he needs his team of crew-mates to acheive his goal (whereas Goku rather not have any help, like when he was disappointed at Super Saiyan God only being achievable by a group effort and not his own). He shows more diverse emotions (whereas Goku is usually just happy, serious or mad). And of course, Luffy is a good deal more sillier than Goku (in that aspect, hes more like child Goku than adult Goku). So yeah, that's my view on it.
  6. I know. Just saying that "The Saiyans age slower" excuse is flimsy, at best.
  7. That excuse doesn't make much sense though, since the other non-saiyan characters look just as young as them. Toriyama just doesn't want to draw them old. Because younger looking characters are more appealing to the shonen demographic.
  8. Bulma still looking the way she does makes no sense until you remember that she is wealthy and rich people always have the money to make themselves look younger. But natrually, she should be looking older by now. And don't get me started on Krillin.... the guy looks like a baby now.
  9. That pretty much nails Goku to a T, but what about that trait makes him different to Luffy?
  10. Remember, I'm talking about listing key character personality differences, not which one you like better.
  11. And yet Super makes it seem like he never did... But I think there's more than that. Subtle things, but still things.
  12. We all know that they're very similar characters, the ol' "not too bright, loves to eat, and is a great fighter" arch-type that Dragonball pretty much coined. But other than the way they look, what are their differences? I know, obviously, Luffy was inspired by Goku, but he isn't exactly Goku and I would like to hear the differences. And by differences, I mean personality traits and stuff like that, not which character you hate more (covering my basis, I already know this forum...)
  13. Since when did I say they were based off women? I know they're male based. I'm just saying they're asexual, so they're not 'gay', as you seem to believe for some reason.
  14. Either way, they don't show romantic feelings for each other, so once again your "they're gay!" reaching is false. Because Dende being in love with Gohan is only in the Abridged series and is totally made up for laughs... I would hope you would know that.
  15. No time slot change, but it is the start of the next major arc, the Universe Survival arc, which they've been advertising heavily. The new opening is pretty kickass, as well. https://youtu.be/i0CLI3y95Zg
  16. Did anyone see the latest Japanese episode? The art-style is no longer super vibrant and colorful and now is much more subdue and soft. Looks like they added some type of filter in an attempt to make it look older or grainy.
  17. Well, yeah, having deaths simply for having deaths is a bad thing too. Like with Attack on Titan... half the deaths that happen in that show doesn't really affect much. And now we know Eren will probably never die thanks to his regenerative titan cells.
  18. I mean, shit, even people who don't normally like One Piece like the Marineford arc, so that'd be truly something...
  19. Fairy Tail also sucks at killing people. It's a shonen thing. At the very least, the few deaths that OP does have all hit the emotional cues pretty strong. Which is more than I can say for any death in Dragonball. Plus Merry man... Merry was a boat and Oda still made grown men cry when it "died" . Lmao.
  20. Yeah, but you can tell he clearly doesn't care. Lol
  21. In the latest Japanese DB Super episode, Bulma is pregnant with Bra and Vegeta declines going to train with Goku and Whis because he feels he needs to be there with Bulma, which Goku apparently doesn't understand and even states that "he was dead when Goten was born lol" Lmao Goku.
  22. Oh it gets pretty insultingly bad later down the road. The first few arcs are decent, but by the time it gets to the Tenrou Island arc the moderate quality starts to dip and by the Grand Magic Games arc, FT basically becomes a joke in the shonen manga/anime fandom. The latest chapter, for instance, is complete and utter dog-shit and even sparked controversy on the internet.. But it's already gone down the shitter quality-writing wise (even compared to other shonens) years ago.
  23. Ben's opinion stated ad-nausium. Just remember guys - Ben considers Fairy Tail good. Fairy Tail. Let that sink in.
  24. Being done with someone usually means you don't talk to them. Not that I'd expect you to even accomplish that very simple task, but it will be hilarious witnessing you struggling with yourself to reply whenever I post something that triggers you. Lol
  25. Eh, I dunno. They're "gay" in the way that they're obviously part of the LGBT community, what with being transsexual, but that doesn't make them defacto 'gay'. 'Gay" signifies they're attracted or like someone of the same sex and not the opposite, and as you said, nobody in OP shows serious romantic interests (not including Sanji, Brook and Boa Hancock since their desires are played for laughs). Now Puri Puri Prisoner from OPM is confirmed to be gay because it's stated he likes men, but the okamas from One Piece never once stated their sexual preference.
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