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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. I get that these are glorified zombies, but that was pretty brutal!!
  2. Was the OP shortened this week? We ususally get full OPs for the first show. Is that not happening anymore??
  3. Well, that sucks! I had to quit my watching of Episode 5 of Bleach: TYBW early... But boy, does it seem this is starting late?
  4. The April Fool's stunt is usually on the night of March 31st, which is a Friday next year. In 2017 they DID air a Rick & Morty premiere from 8 PM to Midnight so I guess something like that IS possible in 2023, but chances are it won't be Toonami-related. And unfortunately, the year after next is a leap year, so March 31st will be a Sunday.
  5. More Sage of 6 Paths backstory tonight (12/10/22) at 2. Only Toonami!
  6. Turn that frown upside down, cuz the showdown with Caesar Clown is going down!! 1:30 AM Tonight (12/10/22), ONLY TOONAMI!! P.S.: The New Year 2023 will apparently start with Episode 600!
  7. Ironically, this might be the first time I actually get to see the mainstay of Season 2.
  8. Last time you remember, we were left with an EEEEEVIL CLIFFHANGER!! What next? Find out tomorrow night (12/10/22) at 1 AM! ONLY TOONAMI!!
  9. Uh oh... Reg's gone and gotten himself in trouble AGAIN!! 12:30 AM tomorrow night (12/30/22) Only TOONAMI!!
  10. Mirko is kicking some serious PLF ASS, but will she be able to keep it up? The fun really begins at Midnight tomorrow night (12/10/22) Only TOONAMI!!
  11. Yes, that was the end of The Walking Dead, on 11/20/22. Yes, there will be an assload of spinoffs, but the main series has ended.
  12. Let's start with the obvious: Assuming we get marathons on Christmas and New Year's Eve, which would probably be Made In Abyss Episodes 14-19 and YashaHime Episodes 37-42, both shows end in mid-February, I believe on the 11th. Gundam: Witch From Mercury not yet having a dub makes for quite an interesting outlier. If the plan is to keep the 1 AM timeslot female-friendly, a giant robot show with a girl protagonist is probably a decent way to go. As for the 12:30 timeslot, that's a little trickier. Don't move MHA and put an original there.
  13. True. However, one interesting twist is that all the biggest conference championship games aired on Network TV, which means Toonami's first half did relatively well with M 12-34 as denoted by the strong green tinge for those 0.09s. MHA even beat one of the afternoon football games in 18-49!
  14. Well, it's been a while, folks, but it's finally here: MHA Season 6! Which of course means the lineup and each show's release month (in Japan except where otherwise noted) is as follows: MHA - October 2022 Made in Abyss - July 2022 YashaHime - January 2022 One Piece - May 2013 Shippuden - July 2015 PRIMAL (USA, rerun) - August 2022 So as 2022 draws to a close, we've FINALLY got a Toonami lineup with 2/3 of its animation first seen THIS calendar year. Of course, the only time in Toonami's entire history that a lineup was completely from the calendar year in which it aired was 10/23/2021, which featured the Fena finale and both parts of the Direct-To-Video 2-part Batman epic Two-Face origin story The Long Halloween, which first appeared on HBO Max in June and July of 2021. Nothing like that is happening with the regular lineup as long as Shippuden and One Piece are on there though, so this is as close as we get without adding another 2022 show, which is highly unlikely! But I digress. The question you came here to have answered is "how did the block do in the ratings?" Well, l have that info now... https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-saturday-12-3-2022-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html So, MHA checked in at #14, which is the highest charting for a Toonami show since Assassination Classroom graduated from the block almost 6 months ago. Also, all 3 of the 2022 premieres made the Top 50, though with fewer than 200K total viewers.
  15. If this DC Animation thing really IS going to sunset after 3 solid pandemic-addled years, it would be best if Toonami pays tribute to Kevin Conroy by airing his final Batman work, The Killing Joke, sometime this Holiday season. I think it's on HBO Max, and it's rated R but it's just as tame as some of the Batman stuff Toonami has already aired over the previous 2 years!
  16. True, but MomoCon 2022 DID happen at a time when things were MOSTLY back to normal. If the same holds true next year, they MIGHT make an appearance. Might just be Gill Austin and Steve Blum though. The Adult Swim Festival earlier this year was in-person and it didn't contain any Toonami content at all, it seems. Not even a sneak peek of Housing Complex C...
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