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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Tonight, we're up to Episodes 18 and 19, right?
  2. Not in this thread, in the Ratings thread, and the premise is since they actually played 50 in 2023, that's where the limit must be.
  3. Maybe what we'll have is a "blowoff marathon night" where they play through the filler episodes in one night before getting to the new seasons? St. Paddy's Eve Eve, maybe?
  4. Thought Evil Tuxedo Mask was scary? Meet Evil Gaara!
  5. Note that this afternoon it's #36 & #37. Next week (11/1) it's #38 & #39 Then... 11/8 #40 & #41 11/15 #42 & #43 11/22 #44 & #45 11/29 #46 & ???? Could we expect a shakeup on 11/29? Sailor Moon only has 46 episodes, so do we just start the next entry in the franchise then?
  6. Bump for tonight, 5 weeks later!? Nothing says "Happy Halloween" like an EEEEVIL Tuxedo Mask!
  7. Wow, that's pretty hilarious! Look what they gave Demon Slayer: Swordsmith Village Arc... https://www.ign.com/articles/demon-slayer-season-3-review 5/10, baby!
  8. Just hang on for 2 more weeks--it's either gonna get really really hopeful, or really really bleak!
  9. The thing about it is Toonami COULD survive the death of linear TV if max was willing to invest a little in it. Perhaps that's why they tried the subtitled anime experiment? If they're trying to get into the simulcast subtitled anime game and make Toonami the brand for that, perhaps they could subtitled-simulcast Crunchyroll's rejects each Japanese anime season? And Demarco in his retirement just might witness the brand he helped create continue into perpetuity?
  10. Welp... https://programminginsider.com/saturday-ratings-abc-scores-big-with-georgia-texas-and-alabama-tennessee-in-college-football/ Uzumaki (JPN) (Adult Swim, 12:33 AM-1:18 AM, 45 min.) • 0.096 million viewers • 0.05 A18-49 rating (0.065 million adults 18-49) • 0.05 A25-54 rating (0.058 million adults 25-54) Demon Slayer (Adult Swim, 1:18 AM-2:21 AM, 63 min.) • 0.076 million viewers • 0.04 A18-49 rating (0.049 million adults 18-49) • 0.04 A25-54 rating (0.052 million adults 25-54) The One Piece effect is real, as both shows finish in the 5-digit club in its absence, with not even 50K Adults 18-49 watching DS on Toonami. Ouch! Demon Slayer may return to the Better Cartoon Show in 2025, but with the Hashira Training Arc already on Crunchyroll for months and hitting Netflix on Halloween, I'd keep my expectations low. Toonami/[as] may see fit to air Swordsmith Village again as late-night filler in 2025, but it remains to be seen. As critically-speaking Swordsmith is the weakest arc of the franchise and Hashira is much stronger, it might at least be the 12:30 show when its time comes, and playing leadout to Lazarus COULD serve it well. It looks like the Subtitled Power Hour+:15 has turned out to be an appalling failure, and let's hope Toonami is never dumb enough to repeat it... Oh, right. 🤦‍♂️
  11. I'm a butthead who can't hold my eyes open anymore for the late shows!
  12. And now, the long-awaited ANN review: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/demon-slayer-kimetsu-no-yaiba-swordsmith-village-arc/episode-11/.199362 Yeeowch! Although if you ask me it was still the strongest show in Toonami's "Night Of Finales", they finally told us about like 30 minutes after the fact after DBZ Kai and leading-in to R&M: Samurai & Shogun. Should have been a special opening, but AT LEAST they did THAT! BONUS: Interesting discussion on this season as a whole... https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/this-week-in-anime/2023-06-15/.199148 Now we wait until 2025 for Hashira Training...
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