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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Yeah, not as bad as what those dicks did to Metropolis LAST week!
  2. We're supposed to be seeing a promo for the One Piece crossover episode next week tonight instead of this Yolo stuff...
  3. Damn it, Metropolis again!? It just got leveled by a nuke last week in Injustice!
  4. Solomon Grundy: Born on a Monday Captured on a Tuesday Incarcerated on a Wednesday Pudding on Thursday??
  5. There have been quite a few FUNNY Moments in this movie so far! Ballmastrz: Rubicon, somehow, was full of referential fanservice but not that funny!
  6. They say in the Toonami promo that her codename is actually "Limelight". ...makes sense!
  7. Shane "Hurricane" Helms was a great Green Lantern, too! ...right, WWF Fans??
  8. Yeah, sure dude, you going butt-naked is MUCH better!
  9. The power levels must really take a nosedive from #2 to #3... But really, where's Saitama when you need him??
  10. Not THAT long, but it HAS been STRANGE!
  11. So I guess this is the opener to the potential new season? Hopefully they eventually make one; I GUESS I wouldn't mind it rerunning on the lower reaches of Toonami after premiering on [as] proper! Was this PFFR's first anime-esque show?
  12. I tried to like this, but the mouth flaps are annoyingly bad. The story is kinda OK...
  13. Baby Ball just said what we're all thinking!
  14. So now Ballmastrz has turned from a sci-fi sports comedy anthology show into a full-fledged space opera! We may never get Star Blazers 2199, but at least we're here for THIS!
  15. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/my-hero-academia-season-6/episode-124/.192803 4.75 stars! According to that reviewer, the best episode of Season 6 so far, but Season 6 so far has been very dark and impressive anyway! Well, ON to Ballmastrz: Rubicon!
  16. "Best Jeanist is dead" my ASS!!! I really hope everyone sees that! Man, things are heating up, LITERALLY in terms of Endeavor family drama!
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