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Fantasy Football Champion
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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. They had put in a birthday and that's what I'm going off of. *shrugs* 😅
  2. Creation dates count, I think.
  3. Okay, fine. I'm sorry. I just feel I have to sing your praises. I'll stop.
  4. I only laughed because it was true. *shrugs*
  5. Pretty much, yeah. I mean Genesis got pretty theatrical before Peter Gabriel left to launch a solo career, which is pretty good in its own right. t_a_o: I completely agree. In fact, I don't think the world could ever get enough of our dear friend Vela.
  6. I guess it's safe to post this then.
  7. Tell me about it, bestie. It can be hard to trust family at times, too, especially those who are supposed to have your best interests at heart.
  8. Well, he confuses a lot of things for other things so... lol
  9. I love how you pretty much said "lol the fuck if I know." lol
  10. So it's Dungeons and Dragons, the porn version? Oh-kay.
  11. I don't know either.
  12. I originally thought this was a "who would you go into battle with" sort of thing, not a "who would you sleep with" scenario.
  13. Looks like the guys at Secret Base (formerly SB Nation) are at it again, this time taking an NHL video game into...the Fumble Dimension.
  14. Fine. I'll take the Satan Slut then. Good grief.
  15. Yeah, I know. (And I went and edited the post because I couldn't find the right ARCA Brake Daytona video.)
  16. Who said it was a trainwreck? It could be more like "the big one" at a race at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, aka "the Brickyard" because the finish line is pretty much a strip of bricks...I think.
  17. I'm suddenly reminded of the King Missile song "Detachable Penis". Why is this something I hate? Because it's actually my least favorite King Missile song.
  18. Also, this is technically on topic: I'm a Gemini. (Duh.)
  19. And Jeff Foxworthy is the ginger looking dude, right?
  20. Also, I just realized something. Bitey McSharpteeth could be an alt account name.
  21. Then...crap. I don't know. Elf looking kid?
  22. Disclaimer: All attempts to be funny or appearances of funny things is merely coincidental or otherwise dead. Member FDIC. (Or is is FDIB? lol)
  23. The only thing wrong with what I posted is I don't know how a groundhog would pronounce words if it could actually talk.
  24. A few seconds later, the mayor remarked "well, looks like Bitey McSharpteeth over here is grumpy this morning."
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