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Everything posted by avec

  1. Okay, Ill uh start unloading the oranges one at a time. 1. 2. 3. 4. *squeezes an orange onto the mattress Like this?
  2. Which one?
  3. *sighs and reviews documents on clipboard "Back that ass up and try Burger King down the street for a free Wendys Jr."
  4. So, I see you're finally ready to inject the human. *puts on gloves But in all seriousness, even though its rough today, it will get better. You're pushing through this shit how you can and that is okay. https://tenor.com/view/george-costanza-seinfeld-gif-13289020
  5. Precious pupper protecc 😢
  6. I can't tell if this is playful banter or we are just spiraling down the toilet of life. [Seinfeld joke]
  7. So is knowledge truly power?
  8. I wish I could fap where I want at home ifyouknowwhatImean. 😏
  9. You people?
  10. Alright. *hoists 17 crates of parrots at once onto shoulders Wow, is this pyramid made of pure gold?
  12. And a haircut is a change in hair! My god, I am starting to understand something.
  13. Or we could just burn it to the ground. 😂😏
  14. But what if we were all bald?
  15. Welcome to the new frontier, Rogue.
  16. Oh am I to understand this is a burn of some sort?
  17. Yes, different combinations yield different results: 2 virgins and 1 old person = Carrot Top hair 1 old person = Dick Cheney. Well you fucked up.
  18. He's like HEY HAVE YOU SEEN MY NEW HAIRLINE? [punchline]
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